Chapter 1: Day One

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Rapunzel Tower, or 'Punzie' for short, looked at her outfit in the mirror and nodded her approval. Colourful, elegant, pretty, but not like she was trying too hard. Exactly how she want to look on her first day of her sophomore year. She glanced at her clock, 7:00am, time to go! She grabbed her backpack and danced out the door.
I'm gonna see all my friends!!! she thought happily and she waved goodbye to her mother, I wonder if Sandy finally got a growth spurt? And maybe Hiccup got some muscle? Or what if Mavis grew out of her training bra? Punzie laughed at the idea of these scenarios. The art club, or the Artsy Fartsies as everyone called then, was pretty much just a bunch of underdeveloped outcasts, and it was always funny to think of them changing.
She did a little twirl in the street as she began her 4-mile stroll to school.


BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP Hiccup Haddock's alarm clock blared, he groaned and dragged himself out of bed, whacking the annoying machine as he did. 7:30am, the neon green figures declared. Ugh, he thought, I hate schooldays. Pulling on the first clothing he could lay his hands on, he dragged his feet downstairs to the kitchen, grabbed a mug and poured himself coffee.
Now freshly caffeinated, he realised that he had left his school bag in his room. He groaned and slumped upstairs to get it, then slumped back into the kitchen to get the lunch money his dad had left on the fridge.
After dragging his feet to his car, parked on curb in front of his house, he remembered his keys, which were still on their hook, on the hallway, he groaned again. I'm going to late.


"Jackson Overland Frost! You are going to be late for school!" His mother yelled.
He jumped out of bed and raced to the kitchen, "What're'ya talking about, I've been ready for hours!"
"You ain't foolin' your mother." His dad, or 'Bunny' as Jack had called him since he was 9, stated over his newspaper.
"You slept in your clothes again, Jack? Really?" Tara put her hands on her hips, "And when did you last wash your hair?"
"I thought you said I was gonna be late?" Jack complained.
"You are. But you need breakfast!" Tara shoved a bowl of cereal into his hands.
He ate as fast as he could, then grabbed his backpack and hurried down the 7 flights of stairs in his apartment building.
His blue bicycle was leaning against the wall on the bottom landing. He weighed the option with his hands, walk or bike, walk or bike, walk or bike? he glanced at his watch 7:46am, bike! He grabbed the handlebars and started to wheel it towards the door, then noticed the flat tire walk, then.
He ran.


"Honey, I know how hard it is, going to school without Angus, but you can make more friends!" Elaine Dunbroch attempted to sooth her distressed daughter.
"No! You don't know!" Merida yelled. "No one wants to be friends with the spoiled rich girl! Nobody likes me! Except for Angus! And he just had to go his stupid private, all boys, boarding school! And stop staring at me! There's nothing to see!" The last part was directed to her three younger brothers who she pushed past to leave the room and slam the door shut.
She slipped her shoulder bag over her head and went outside to where her driver waited with the car.
"To school, Miss Merida?"
"I don't suppose you'd let me ditch?"
"No, Miss Merida, I would not."


The minute Hiccup got out of his car, he was tackled by a double hug from Punzie and Mavis. Sandy and Jane stood nearby, laughing.
"Hiccup! I've missed you so much!" Punzie said, releasing him from her half of the hug.
"How was your vacation?!" Mavis, still hugging him, asked.
"It was good, I got to level 26 on Skyrim!"
"I have no idea what that is." Mavis laughed, "I went to Transylvania with my dad, we found the house our ancestors lived in! It was massive!"
"And I went to Washington DC and went to the Smithsonian! And the Lincoln Memorial! I loved it!!" Jane added.
"Well, your summers sound better than mine was." Hiccup said, "How about you Sandy?" Sandy just shrugged, he didn't speak much, anymore.
Punzie gasped with some sudden realisation and started talking to Mavis in the super-fast-excited way that only Mavis could understand, Mavis answered her in the same manner, maybe it was girl thing? Though Jane seemed just as confused with it as the boys.

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