Chapter 10: A Lot of Flirting.

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"This is a little awkward." Pitch said, trying not to squirm under Punzie's bony behind. "Do you know why we're still sitting?"
"I'll ask around." Punzie said, glad to have an excuse to pull out her phone,  few minutes later, she put it back in her pocket, "Jack says Dimitri and Ruffnut are fighting over which of them lost."
"Ah," Pitch was quite for a minute or so before saying, "You and Jack are dating now, aren't you?"
Punzie nodded, "Are you really so upset by it?"
"I'm just upset that he got there first." Pitch smiled sadly.
Punzie was saved from responding by the music starting up again.


Hiccup danced a random little jig, trying not to notice the people around him laughing, and tried to plan his way through the next round.
He was surrounded mostly by girls, so he wouldn't have to fight for a chair, his only problem would be if girls fought for his lap, not that that would necessarily be a bad thing.
🎶Singing in the shower,
Ladadee lad–🎶
The music stopped suddenly and Hiccup raced for the nearest chair. He let out a breath of relief, which was stopped short when someone sat on him.
"Mention this to anyone and I will murder you." The blonde on his lap threatened.
"Astrid?" Hiccup grinned at his childhood friend, "Gee, didn't take you long to–" She elbowed him in the ribs. Hard. "What was that for?"
"Saying something sarcastic. And stealing my Viking costume when we were eight." She crossed her arms over her chest.
"I told you, it wasn't me!" Hiccup argued. "It was Snotlout trying to get me in trouble!"
"Yeah yeah yeah," Astrid flapped her hand at him, "I've heard it all before."
The music started again and they both stood up.
"Astrid?" Hiccup asked before Astrid danced away.
"Do you wanna hang out sometime?" He looked at the ground, his old shyness making a comeback, "I miss us being friends."
"Sure." He looked up in time to see her smile, "I'd love to!"
She danced away and Hiccup tried to hide his grin.


Merida slumped into one of the sofas. She'd gotten out on purpose in the third round, not wanting to sit on any more random guys' laps but now she was bored. All her friends were too good at this game, and none of them were out.
She'd been interested in the fight between Dimitri and Ruffnut. Well, everyone called it a fight, but really it was just them yelling at each other and being held back by two girls, Dimitri's girlfriend, Anastasia, who had already gone out, and Ruffnut's sister, Toughnut, who was seated nearby.
She'd laughed along with everyone else when Ralph accidentally crushed his chair under him. Then stopped immediately when Vanellope glared at everyone. That girl may be half the size of Merida, but she was big trouble when she had a grudge.
Finally, drooping with defeat, Pascal came over to sit with her. Then Sandy joined them, followed by Mavis, Jane, and Hiccup.
But Punzie and Jack were still playing, fiercely.
When there were only six people left, Jack, Punzie, Vanellope, Pitch, Elsa, and Hiro, Cindy announced that it was now just going to be normal musical thrones, with only one person on each chair, and the real fun began.
The girls were beating all the guys to chairs, Punzie shoved Jack away from a chair so she could take it, Vanellope slid between Pitch's legs to get to one, and Elsa glared at little Hiro so fiercely that he constantly made sure he was as far from her as possible.
Hiro was the first to go out, then Vanellope, Pitch, and Elsa who practically screamed with fury. That girl was competitive!
Then, the finale began, Punzie vs Jack.
You could see the options running through his head.
If Jack won, then he'd beat Punzie, which might put a tear in their budding relationship, but if Punzie won they'd she'd humiliate him, a little.
People in the room started chanting their names, cheering on one or the other and the song, Final Countdown, started.
Punzie and Jack danced around the single chair. Everyone held their breaths. Waiting.
🎶It's the final countd–🎶
They both leapt for the chair and Punzie slid under Jack in the nick of time.
The whole room cheered. Cindy presented Punzie with an extravagant paper crown. And Merida laughed at the absurdity of it all.
Then the party went on as it had before, only a less upbeat as people started going home.
Merida stood on the edges of the party, sipping the almost-definitely alcoholic punch. No one really noticed her until a cat-like boy came over. His face was shaped similarly to a feline's, his green eyes filled with mischief, and his graceful strides greatly resembled a cats'.
"Hey!" He smiled, Merida was surprised to see that he did not have pointed teeth. "You're Merida, right?"
"The one and only." She replied.
"I'm Chess," He put out his hand and Merida shook it. "You're friends with Punzie, right? The musical chairs winner?"
Of course, the only boy who pays any interest in her is really interested in one of her friends. He must have seen her disappointed look because he quickly corrected himself, "Not that I really care, I just thought it would be a good conversation starter, and plus, everyone knows she and Jack are a thing. Though, maybe not so much after tonight's game." He gave another smile.
Merida felt her heart leap. Wait, what? Merida never felt like this, it was totally out of character. Was she attracted to Chess? No, never. Nuh uh. This was Chess putting on his manly charms, and she was falling for it! Woman up, Merida! She thought.
"Nah, they have too much chemistry for that." Merida tried to look busy on her phone.
"Do you have chemistry with anyone?" Chess winked, flirtatiously.
"Yes." Merida glared at him. "Myself."
Chess put his hands up in surrender, "Point taken, I'll see you around." He winked and walked off, probably to find another target.
"Watch out for him." Came another voice from behind her. She spun around to see a 7', skinny giant in a top hat, "I'm the Hatter, by the way." She shook his hand.
"I know, I'm not new, just unrecognised." Merida smiled, craning her neck up to look at him properly.
"So you are." He nodded. "As I was saying, though you may already know, Chess is a rascal, and I wouldn't get too close, if I were you."
"I figured, didn't he used to date your girlfriend?"
"Yes, he broke my Alice's heart, before I came along." Hatter stared into the distance sadly, as if it were a horrible memory of wartime.
"You're a little weird, aren't you?"
Hatter bowed, like it was a compliment, "Most would call me mad, you are quite kind."
Merida laughed. Just then, Hiccup ran over.
"Merida! There you are, can you drive?" He gasped, out of breathe.
"I- no, not without a licensed driver in the passenger seat." Merida furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Why?"
"It seems Pascal didn't realise the punch had alcohol in it, and even he wasn't passed out. He'd be in no condition to drive." Hiccup said, "Cindy offered to call a taxi, but I was hoping someone could just use Pascal's car. No matter, anyway, we're all going home now."
"Now? But people are still having a good time!"
"Mavis and Punzie had to be home half an hour ago, and like I said, Pascal is passed out drunk."
"Ugh, fine, bye Hatter."
"Farewell!" Hatter waved and went back to where Alice waited.


They ended up taking Pascal's car, because it had two extra seats that could fold up in the boot, and leaving Hiccup's at Cindy's for him to get the next day.
On the drive home, Hiccup drove, Punzie started to fall asleep on Jack's shoulder, Sandy tried to stuff pencils in Pascal's nose, and Mavis filled the silence with endless chatter. Finally, they were all home.


Hiccup and Punzie.

HicHicHiccup411: Was your mom super angry at you for being late?

PrincessRapunzel6: Yes, but I didn't get in too much trouble, she just told me to never do it again.

HicHicHiccup411: I hope she lets you come next time.

PrincessRapunzel6: Are we going to go back for a next time?

HicHicHiccup411: Snowy said that we were because you won musical thrones, but Jazz said that they would have invited us anyway.

PrincessRapunzel6: That's sweet.


I don't wanna say finally this chapter is over because I did enjoy writing some parts.
But, finally this chapter is over!!!
I got writers block so often, I wrote several future scenes, and I was still not done.

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