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Every time I look around
My eyes find only you.
Earphones stuffed in each ear,
All alone in you own world.

Ah, I would take the opportunity,

To talk to you at least.

But I am far too scared,

Too shy to even go near.

My friends keep telling me to go,
Doing all sorts of things for me.
Taking pictures, or even a fansign.

They did all of that for me.

I met you last year,

Playing soccer with your friends.

Wearing a red shirt with white sleeves.

Ah, why are you so cool and handsome?

I knew you at the very least,

But you barely even know me.

I sighed, thinking I have no chance

Being the introvert I am.

The next year came so fast,
So did a brilliant surprise.
To my delight, a wish was granted
You and me becoming classmates.

I thought positive that day,

That you'd finally know me.

A day that we could come close

And be friends at least.

But when will that day come,

The day you take off your earphones,

Walk towards me, talk to me?
Ah, I can't wait for it to come.


Dedicated to SuzumeMaika01 because this is her perspective on her... crush. :)

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