#4 remember...just remember

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.Next day

Arianna's Pov

IT..i...remember..i remember now! Omgosh tianna . Iyanna. Maggie were my ..are my bestfriends and I can't deal with the fact that my best friend is in the hospital . I can't sleep . I keep tossing and turning and that's not easy to do when your wrapped in Ray's arms. I can't just lay here. I have to go see her ..NOW *she thought as she pulled out Ray's grip accidentally awaking him*

" what's wrong baby" Ray say up

" Ray I remember ...everything" she spoke

" what are you talking about my child" hey asked confuseD

" tianna, Iyanna, and Maggie are my best friends "

"well yeah....." He said still not understanding

"they saved me " I tried explaining

" you really do have to be more specific .. Causes they really save us all by not letting you near the stove

"Ray. I remember them saving me from my step dad ..I remember all the shut we Been through together"

"you do?" He asked me a bit

I just nodded then withing seconds I felt his arms around me

"IM happy for you baby" he said before kissing me

I laughed " IM still the same Arianna what's the difference"

"you are but you was missing apart of you theses pass years and that's your the people who you went through childhood with"

"that was beautiful Ray2wice" I smiled

"also I was missing my Badass" he said gripping my butt

"ok save all that for later .I have to go" I told Ray kissing his lips

"why where you going?" He raised an eyebrow

"to go see my bestow Maggie" I said getting ready

"I thought we couldn't visit till further notice" he spoke

Haa. Like I have two ducks what the hospital says

"Ray. I don't give a fuck .that's my bitch . We're all family and family looks out for one another no if Andy or but's about it" I said before walking out

"glad to have my Badass back" he yelled

I just smiled and persisted to tianna's and prince's room . Opening it without knocking

And to my surprise they we're just cuddled up in each others arms nothing sexual about it . Besides them both being in there undergarment , but that's usual. I snapped out my thoughts once I saw prince's head lift up..man he's a light sleep ..yet tianna was still knocked out

"IM sorry prince I really didn't mean to wake you . I actually was try to wake up sleeping beauty over there" I said softly

"oh it's cool" he spoke in his morning voice

And boy was it sexy. Why do all boys voices sound sexy in the morning . It really drives us girls crazy

" well thanks!" He said before smiling

"wait did I say that out loud?" I asked

"yeah..but it's cool" he said smiling "so what did you need

tianna for"

"well I want to go see Maggie in the hospital" I said looking down. I just couldn't look into his twinkling eyes

"I see" he said getting out of bed only wearing boxing ..oh gosh! "I thought Yall weren't able to see her yet"

"like roc once said..I D G A F we're going"

"so now you badass" he said placing his hands on my hips..I really hadn't notice he had came this close but honestly I liked it . Was it wrong how he was making me tingle? if you know what I mean

"maybe" was my only response

"well y'all be careful IM going to head downstairs for something to drink" he said before kissing my cheek sending chills down my spine as he left the room

.Omgosh did that just happen?

I thought as I shook tia

"the hell you want" she groaned

"for you to wake up. I wanna go see Maggie" I simply said

"ok..give me 5 mins" she said before seating up

And with that I walked out her room and into Iyanna's and roc room

He was laying in her chest hugging her waist while she had her arms around his neck.it was too cute

"Iyanna" I tried poking her to atleast atimit to wake her but it really wasn't working at all she wasn't even moving ..so I pushed both them on the floor ..that might have been the dumbest thing I've ever done cause withing a micro second later Iyanna was chasing me around the while house ..and she almost caught me that was until prince grabbed me and tammed her ..it took a while though but I felt safe with prince's arms wrapped around my waist ..that was till tianna came downstairs

"wth?" Tia said looking at us ..prince arm was still wrapped around me ..oops

"tia I can explain" I said nervously

She walked up to me and prince and he released my waist..and I was kinda confused by his reaction..it wasn't nervous. Worried or anything he was just there ..and before I could blink prince and tia we're kissing ..like tf wasn't he just flirting with me?

"yeah I had to save ari from being killed by Iyanna" prince smiled

"yeah this Heffa pushed me and roc out the bed unto the floor " she said before slapped me clear across my face

I winced in pain

"dang Iyanna . Remember first day of kindergarden when you slapped Juan Sanchez for calling you a girl ..well now I know how he felt" I said laughing holding my cheek

"oh yeah he had that bruise for one week straight we-" Iyanna started .."wait how's you remember that?"

*she tells them how she got her memory back..now there all happy ..and soon enough after Iyanna gets dress they head out to the hospital*


In hospital

"uhm excuse me ma'am we're here to see Maggie Lopez"

"IM sorry but someone has already came and got her earlier this morning"

"umh..ok did they leave a name?" Ari asked

"I really don't remember..Amanda..or maranda..something like that"

"well..thanks ma'am for your time"

"no problem"

The girls get into car

"Yall thinking what IM thinking?" Iyanna asked

"hell yeah" they all said in unison as ari pulled out the lot

"this bitch done fuck with the wrong set of bitches"

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