#5 Not A Amateur

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Tianna pov:

sooo me and the girls drove home for a quick stop to pick up somethings.. cause this bitch done truly flipped up. so im supose to be picking out our outfits! Iyanna getting our gear. as in guns, rope, knifes, taseer's, etc. and Arianna is searching up maggies bitches current spot.. yeah you may be saying we oss ..we know and we couldnt possibly give a fuc

*Tianna walks in her room*

"hey babe how it go? maggie ok?" Prince asked sitting up outta bed

"she wasnt there" is all i said whille looking thru the closet searching for a outfit

"what? where was she?" princeton asked concern walking into the closet

"well i dont know" i said biting my lip trying to hide the fact i was lieing

"your lieing. whats really up" he asked clearly seeing right threw me

"prince leave it alone" I said as i found a outfit and walked out the closet

"shes my friend too Tianna" he exclaimed

"I understand that. and im perventing you from worrying" i said taking off my shirt

"soo where you going" he said coming up behind me

"A Place" i smiled and pushed him back as i change out my pants

"Just say your going to go find maggie. and some ish might be going down" he said in my ear

"well damn am i that readable" i said in shock that he saw right threw me

"yup! and im not going to stop you i just want u to keep your phone on and dont hesitate to call me up for back up" he said sitting back on the bed

"alright dady . I will" i laughed and kisses his cheek and walked out the room

After i got dressed and picked out outfits for Ari and Iya and iyanna and I walked back downstairs to check and see how everything was coming along with finding this chick

"so hows it going" Iyanna asked

"well i found her crib" Arianna announced

"well thats great!" i said cheerfully

"Yeaah but who knows if shes that stupid

"well theres only one way to find out " Iyanna said and with that we headed out without making a sound. we are too good at this bro

We finally reatched the scene and instantly know no ones here. it look like a ghost town from the drive way, but we had to be sure so we walked up to the door and knocked a few times ...no answer... we turnes the knob and it was open. you would think we be surprise but.. were not thats just a bonus clue to lead us to her..she diffently knew we would look here so she gave us a open invintation to her home..This kids got Balls

"she's a smart girl" Arianna scoffed

"yeah..but i respect that..atleast were not dealing with an amateur " iyanna says

"yeah but what does she want from us" i said as we begin looking around

"ok ill look upstairs" Iyanna said walking up the steps

"ok " me and Arianna said still searching downstairs

Iyanna pov:

So This trick thinks she's smart leaving the door open and ish . A cocky chick aye? I like it.. she's conniving but.. not to conniving for us. she's no different from the other people we've delt with...shes just a little more cocky about her work

I suddenly stop dead in my tracks as i reatch one particular room

"Tianna!, Arianna! come up here"

I Yelled as I scanned the room. This chick has cameras in our home. in almost everyroom.. but she not only has cameras on us ..she has photos of us all around her room but Tianna has a big red circle around her face in every picture.. yeah this bitxh is creepy

"woah" Tianna and Arianna said in unison taking in the rooms appearance

"this bitxh crazy!"we all said

"guys!" Ari started

"yeah" we answered

"why is prod's room the only room thats not under surveillance " Arianna said focusing on the screen as me and Tianna did the same


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I felt like my story was moving way too slow so I jazzed things up a bit

I hope im not moving to fast c

for you guys if i am let me know


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