#17 After Math

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Ari pov:

I woke up this morning and didnt have morning sickness *shrugs* awe they must've gave me water! there so sweet...then I noticed I was at home..

which meant . I was in bed with Ray, uh oh only a little time to escape now..

so I slid out from in the covers and tipped toed my way to the restroom

"Gone head , but you know your not off the hook" Ray mummbled without opening hes eyes

  maybe hes sleep Talking... im just gone pretend like...I aint hear hear him say that

"..And Im not sleep talking..." he spoke with hes eyes still closed but lifting he's head

"Damn, can you please let me be safe in my head" I rolled my eyes and walked over to on hes side of the bed

he sat up "Nahh, doesnt work like that" he tapped my nose and I squeezed hes

"Whatever you say google" She laughed

*Ray Straight faced her* / -.-/

"Alright, now bounce that ass back to bed for you wake my baby" Ray laugh

she hangs out her bottom lip "Thats my baby too nigga" she crawls over and on top of ray to get back to her side of the bed

*he hits her butt*

*she pulls hes braid*

"OUCH! yo babe not the hair!!" he whinced

"Ill beat yo ass if you wake me baby" she said putting one finger on hes lips shushing him

With Prod and Maggie

*maggie runs to the restroom and barfs*

"SHIT! whats going on?" prod lifted up with hes eyes still close half sleep

"..nothing, im O- maggie gco " she gags again

"I hope you have both seats up!" prod yelled

"Yeah, thanks for your concern" She says sarcastically hanging over the toilet

"Shit , now I gott get up and do the whole loving and thoughtful thing..ughh ... im sleeper then a mugggg" Prod mumbled crawling out of bed and slipping into the bathroom door peeking before entering

*maggie holds her head at the toilet*

"You didnt fuck whille u was out right?" he asked her leaning against the wall half awake

"Naah,.... I dont think so" she shrugged

"So your not sure" he gasps dramaticlly

"Kiddinggg...so kidding... nah I just sipped a few and smoked some" she said

"Yes, because im black..I speak trap" He smirked a little

"Shut up! " she smiled flushing the toilet

"nah but forreal you ok?" He said helping her off the floor

"..I will be" she turned to the mirror and started to brush her teeth

"Do you remember anything last night?" he smiled

she spit "Uhh...A little its a little sketcky you know" she shruggeed and continued brushing

".....do you ..uhm remeber anything with us?" he said pressing hes body against her's from behind

"Oh My Gosh! ....did we fuck?" She stopped brushing and asked

he looked at the toilet and back at her "No, No ... we didnt" ...

"Though,  I wouldnt have mind if we did" he mummbled

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