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With The boy

They woke up a whille ago

"Aye Im hungry" Ray said eyeing Prince

Princeton gives him the what-the-hell-you-looking-at-me-for look

"Yeah Prince why dontcha fix us some of that magic on a plate " Roc smiles

"Incorrect grammar nicca.. its 'why dont you' please speak correct english " prince said in he's proffesional voice

"yeah and roc that aint sound to straight" Ray said making a rainbow with his hands

"shuddup ray and prince what you tryna call out black people cause your not all black.. huh princeton?" Roc asked

"Roc" prince started

"yeah mane" Roc said raising an eyebrow

"your not even all black bro" prince said bluntly

"ooh yeahh...nicca nicca nicca" Roc laughed as he started singing and dancing to trinidad james

"im just gonna go cook" prince said shaking his head and walking to the kitchen

"yaaay"Roc and Ray cheered following prince and sitting at the table

"guys you know what i just noticed" ray begin

"what" prince asked

"wassup" Roc asked

"Prods not here..i just noticed cause he aint tell us how we 'so unprofessional ' yet"

"yeah he's really been M.I.A lately" Roc said matter of factly

"yeah..he prob still crushed over maggie" Prince said still cooking

"yeah" Ray and Roc say as they all just go deep into thought

Maggie Pov

In A mysterious Bed

what the hell? where am i?

this place is far from familar

..who brought me here? ..Amanda! that sneeky bitxh must have took me from the hostpital whille i was sleep

hell naww!

"ayoo bitxh im awake" i yelled sweetly

and the door opened and she walked in

"hey sleeping beauty how you been?" Amanda said thru clenched teeth whille she rubbed my thigh

"oh great! Im just tied with rope and hand cuffed to a bed soo u know chilling" I said with clear sarcasm

"well look at the bright side..I left your mouth un taped ..and i havent killed u yet" she snapped

"why are u doing this" I said with clear confusion plastered across my fore head

"look your gonna have to wait for the truth to come out for when your little friends get here cause im only telling this storie once " Amanda snapped again

"dont drag my friends in this. they have nothing to do with this" I yelled

"oh but thats where your wrong!" she whispered in my ear

"If i make it out here alive im making sure your ass dies" I said thru clenched teeth

then i felt a sharp pain go across my face

"shut the fuck up.. bitxh and just follow my directions im going to dial arianna's number and your going to telk her your fine and tell her that your in the same building where Tianna got raped and she might wanna get here quick before the master loses patience..you got it "

"got it bixth just hand me the phone" i said

"k fuck this up and im fucking you up up" she snapped

Then she dialed the number

"hello? Maggie?" Arianna said knowingly

she knows its a trap.. Yes!!!

"hey.. yeah its me and im ok i just need you guys to come get me.. im in the same building Tianna ..got ra-raped in and i need you guys to come a.s.a.p before anything goes down" I say into the phone

"Alrighty see yeah in a jiffy" Arianna said using our old code 'jiffy' which means 'i got it'

..wow she remembers the code.. SHE HAS HER MEMORY BACK!!

"Nice bixth!" Amanda said patting my face as i gave a look if pure disguise

With the girls

in the house still

"she called?" Tianna asked

"yeah and its totally a trap for us to show up" Arianna stated

"Thats alright.. were prepared " Iyanna nodded

"yeah but we have to be careful we have no idea what this chicks capable of" Arianna added

"true..but did she say where she was" Tianna asked

"well thats where u come in...shes in the same spot u were..raped in" Arianna stated looking at the ground

then Tianna zooned out and went clear into thought

"well isnt that a ray of sunshine

she probably doesnt even remember did that crazy chick forget that she was out cold when the police found here" Iyanna said flustrated

"im saying though........Tianna you ok?" arianna said

"...I know where maggie is.." Tianna spoke coming back from her thoughts

prod's pov:

*calls up cousin*

me: hey cuzo you wanted to met up right

??: yeah! im in town and im gonna be in this house for a whille down here

me: thats wassup so u wanna meet up or u want me to come down to your house

???: actually i was thinking i could come down to your house

me : ok im actually at the hostpital right now but in a bit ill be home so yeah

my address is (_______) < [random address]

???: alright see ya cuzoo

prod: see yaa soon Amanda

welp time to go pour my heart out to Maggie...if she lets me


you like?

Amanda is prods cuzo???

what else dont we know about this girl

and why is she after Tianna??

why she play maggie?

issh just got reeeealll doee

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more to come beww!

follow on ig : @obey_D_Princess

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