#3 the truth shall set you Free

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2 months later from the day Maggie left

MB House


"Phones Ringing " ray yelled from the coach

..no answer


"the MOFO ashh Phone is Ringing" ray yelled louder

tia walks downstairs

"niqqa u sitting right next to the gosh Damn phone" tia said shaking her head


"so are u gone get that or are u just gonna let it ring?" he said still watching tv

"oouu ..if u wasnt my Homegirls boo..mmm" tia mummbles before answering the phone

"Hello?" tia answered rolling her eyes at ray

"Hello Ma'am , this is officer Dawn and i am calling u about your friend Maggetha" the man spoke

"what? what happen? whats going on?" tia asked

"Calm Down " he said calmly

"calm down?..thats my girl and your telling me to calm down? where is she and what happen?" she screamed grabbing ray's attention

ray wraps his arm around her and rubs her arm trying to chill her

"well, we found her in the car in the drivers seat siting in her..girlfriends drive way with blood flowing from her head.. and im calling u beacuse before  she got smashed in the head with some object she atimted to dial your number" the man spoke

"oh gosh" tia said taking a seat whille ray continued to rub her arm " is she ok thoe?"

"well, of course she's in the hostpital getting treatment..i really cant garenty u anything but ill give u a call when its possible for u to visit and what not"he spoke

"thank u sir..so much for the call" tia spoke as she silently cried

*she hung up the phone*

"I cant believe this!" tia said shaking her head

"What happen ?" ray asked

*she tells him the story*

about 20 mins later ..everyone knows

"mane..i hopes shes ok"prod saids sincerly

"im saying" iyanna and Ari said in unison

*then tia gets a text from an unknown number*

"the Hell?" tia said raising an eyebrow

"what babe?" prince asked

"look" tia said showing everyone the text that reads:

I Know you better than u think ..Ive Had help with that thanks to your lil friend :) He's  Cute btw..and he really does like you . to bad I want you and I always get what I want! ( -; see u real soon  sexy

"the hell??" everyone said in unison


follow my ig: Obey_D_Princess

follow Keek: ID__GAF_just_obey

<3 (^_^)

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