My Worst enemy: the football team (maybe not anymore?)

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Later that day when we were watching Kyle xy Reagan seamed really antsy

“Reagan, why are you acting so antsy?”

“well uhhhhm….. your giving me a super bad reputation at school and I only have one friend which is you because you’re too shy to hang out with anyone else so….. I think we should stop hanging out for a while like uh a week or so?”

“Uhhh, seriously I ditched detention for this? Wow whatever Reagan I thought we were best friends. I’m out of here.”

As I’m walking out of the house I ran into Teagan

“Gosh Teagan watch it!”

“Wow niomi whats up your butt?”

“nothing just the fact that your stupid jock idiot friends are always teasing me so NO ONE wants to hang out with me so I have no friends and that includes your sister as of now… thanks so much for that!”

I shrugged past him and started walking down the driveway with tears streaming down my face to my car when Teagan caught up to me

“niomi wait up, what happened with Reagan?”

“She doesn’t want to be friends anymore because I’m giving her a bad reputation thanks to you guys.”

“Are you for real? That’s so dumb. I’m sorry.”

“Teagan… don’t say you’re sorry if you don’t mean it.”

“But niomi I do mean it, us teasing you has gotten way out of hand ill make the guys stop.”

“yeah ill believe it when I see it Teagan.”

“no seriously I will, hey how about you sit with us at lunch tomorrow?”

“uhm what? No thanks…”

“come on niomi just give it a try once.”

“Ok fine I will once, just once.”

“Thanks nimoi we will make it up to you.”

Teagan leans in and gives me a giant bear hug and I hesitate not knowing what to do

“ehhh Teagan let go.”

“Oh right sorry.”

“Ok well see you tomorrow…”

“yeah tomorrow. I’ll save you a seat”

I get in my car and drive home.

“Mom I’m home!”

My mom yelled from upstairs

“Ok sweetheart, remember you’re beautiful no matter what anyone says!”

“I know mom you tell me this every day!”

See what I mean? That night I fell asleep very depressed because of what happened with Reagan.

At school the next day during lunch I walk into the lunch room and instantly hear

“Niomi over hear I saved you a spot!”

Instantly the people in the lunch room look at me and start whispering, it’s not every day that Teagan miller saves a seat for any other girl besides Ashley. I walk over to Teagan and sit down next to him.

“Hey Niomi see I saved you a seat like I told you I would”

“Yeah I see that Teagan, thanks”

“No problem I owe you big for me and the guys teasing you over the years, right guys?”

All of the guys mumble some yeses give or take a few guys.  Teagan the rested his arm around my shoulder and the guys and I started talking when Ashley came up to us looking real mad…

“What the heck Teagan why is she in my spot?”

“Oh, Niomi? Well because I saved it for her today.”

“I’m you’re girlfriend not her!”

“uhm actually as of right now you’re not, I’m sick of you I never even liked you. Were beyond over.”

“You have got to be kidding me?”

“No actually I’m dead serious.”

“AHHHHH I hate you!”

Ashley then stomped away and liam looked flabber gasted

“Dude you just broke up with the head cheerleader!?”

“yeah, so what?”

“uhm nothin’ man”

“sure… you can go after her if you want I know you dig her anyways.”

“for real? Thanks man!”

Liam then ran after Ashley to “win over his girl” or whatever it doesn’t matter to me. I suddenly remember about yesterday’s detention!

“Franky did you go to detention yesterday?”

“nah I didn’t, I totally forgot.”

“me either I ditched cuz you threw spaghetti on me.”

“haha that was priceless!”

“shut up. No it wasn’t.”

“the teacher probably forgot about detention anyways.”

“I hope so…”

After lunch me and Teagan walked to our next class we had together it was home-ec we were starting the baby assignment. The teacher gave us a baby doll and then let us pick our partners reagan wanted to be teagans partner because it would be easier for them but when reagan asked him to be her partner he said

“uuuh im already Niomi’s partner sorry sis.”

“oh right… sure.”

Reagand walked away looking really sad and I turned to teagan and said

“you can be Reagans partner.”

“no thanks, I’d rather be your partner anyways.”

“oh ok cool”

Me and Teagan being partners for this baby project means were going to have to spend a lot of time together working on this project, oh boy.


next upload will be 7/15/11 thanks (:

My Worst enemy: the football teamWhere stories live. Discover now