Chapter I

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  • Dedicated to Richelle Mead

Information for the people who have not read Vampire Academy: St. Vladimir's is a hidden academy deep in the forests of Montana. It's a school for Dhampirs and Moroi. Dhampirs are half human and half vampire, and they live to become guardians, who protect the Moroi. Moroi are mortal vampires who wield an elemental magic from the Earth (water, air, spirit, fire, and earth). There are non-royal and royal Moroi, and there are 12 royal Moroi families. Dhampirs and Moroi are ruled over by a king or queen that's a royal Moroi. Strigoi are dangerous immortal vampires who are hell-bent on making the Moroi (and sometimes Dhampirs) one of them. To kill a Strigoi, you can behead them, set them on fire, or stab them in the heart with a silver stake.

In the Vampire Academy series, Rose Hathaway is a pretty Dhampir with an attitude. She is bonded to her friend Lissa Dragomir, a royal Moroi. In the series, Rose fights Strigoi and her feelings for her mentor, Dimitri Belikov. However, things all work out in the end and Rose and Dimitri are together (away from the public's eye) and are guardians for Lissa who is now the queen.

Emma DiCamillo, Ashley Shelby, Cass Hamilton, and Wesley Lazar are all my own characters. I hope you like the story :) Cheers ♥


"Emma, tell me something I don't know," my friend Ashley said to me. There was a frantic worried expression on her face. My guess was that she had bombed another test. I was pretty sure I was right.

"Pi is 3.14159265," I replied curtly. "Why? What's wrong now?" I asked. Ashley was my dhampir friend, a natural guardian, but not exactly super smart when it came to trig and algebra. I was a dhampir too, a nerdy one, I'll admit that, but, I wasn't that bad in combat.

"I failed it....I failed the math test; once my mom hears this she'll kill me," she muttered, bringing up a fist and shaking it like a mad woman. "Why me? Why did I get the bad brain? Why couldn't it be Wesley? The stupid dickwad," Ashley mumbled under her breath.

"I see you're still not on good terms with Wesley," I said, summing up the last 2 weeks of Ashley Shelby's life. Wesley Lazar was a Moroi. A good-looking Moroi, at that. He was pale and tall like all the rest, but he had a charming way with words, and impeccable taste. Ashley and him had been together for 8 months before they broke up over an argument about Rose Hathaway.

Ashley and I continued walking across the Quad to the cafeteria. I wondered what was for lunch today at St. Vladimir's.

"I mean, what the heck is so friggin' amazing about Rose Hathaway? Why does he want her to be his guardian anyway?!  Why not me?!" she exclaimed angrily. Ashley pointed to herself. "I'm so much better!" she cried. "Me! Me! Me!" she practically screeched. Everybody in the caf turned to look at her. "Ooops...sorry..." she muttered, grabbing a tray and surveying the lunch.

"Would you relax? Rose Hathaway is guarding her royal highness Lissa know that," I told her gently. Rose Hathaway was a legend at St. Vladimir's. Her kick-ass rough and tough personality and her combat skills were amazing. All the drama she had been through was pretty much everybody's business since everybody knew about it.

The news that Jill Mastrano was a Dragomir was very recent. It had been a huge shock to everybody and had spread like wildfire. Even now, people still talked about it. Lissa was the new queen, and there was more than one Dragomir. It had been a freakin' epidemic.

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