Chapter 5

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Little did I know that as soon I turned my back on her, my best friend dropped her fake smile and the tears that had hidden themselves for so long started escaping.

Abby's POV

I crept back upstairs to my room, and took a shower. I let the hot water run down my body, my tears camouflaging into the spray.

I undid the head bandage, and saw that most of the cut had scabbed over.


I got out and dried down, pulling on an oversized T-shirt that slouched over the shoulder and fell to my knees. I went down to the kitchen and ate a few crackers, and pulled out my phone.

AM: Are you okay?

I rolled my eyes. He was here, what, an hour ago?

AB: Yes, Austin. I'm completely okay. He's probably not even going to come home tonight.

AM: Sorry. But I can't seem to stop worrying about you.

AB: Don't be worried. I've put up with it for years - I'm strong.

AM: I don't doubt that.

AB: Get some sleep, Austin.

AM: Sweet dreams, Abby.

I put my phone down and looked at the clock - almost ten o' clock. Decent time to go to sleep. I was exhausted, anyways. I should go to sleep early if I want to wake up for school tomorrow.

I trudged upstairs, and, before my father came home, fell asleep.


The first thing I did when I woke up was listen. It was a routine now - it was instinct. Natural.

I cleared my breathing and stayed completely still, eyes darting, ears straining. I heard nothing - no typing, no music, no footsteps.

Good, he wasn't home. My pounding heart calmed, and I started to get ready for school. I put on a cream lacey tank-top, and tucked it into a fluttery coral high-low skirt. I combed through my hair and curled it, so that the extra volume hid my head-cut scab thing. I put make-up on all of my bruises and scars, and grabbed a white long cardigan and gladiator sandals.

I decided I looked decent enough, so I called Austin and asked if he could pick me up. He immediately texted back, telling me he would be here in a couple minutes. Suddenly, a door slammed closed and keys were tossed on the table.

Damn it. So close.

The best thing to do is act completely normal. I came down the stairs and smiled at my father.

"Hi, dad." I said, grabbing my backpack. He grunted, and he stumbled down onto the couch. He was drunk. Like always.

I saw Austin's car pull up in my driveway, and I waved to him. He waved back. He looked down, and his shoulders twitched slightly. He was probably texting someone.

"I'm going to school now, okay, dad?" I asked hesitantly. Suddenly, he shot up and walked over to me, shoving me out of the way. I stumbled and fell.

"You think I care? Go wherever the hell you want, I don't give a shit. Now stop talking, you're giving me a headache." He growled down at me. With a final kick, he stomped upstairs to his room. I sighed and stood up, brushing myself off. A push and a kick wasn't so bad. Not even a new bruise.

It was going to be a good day.

Unfortunately, Austin had seen me fall. He stormed into the house and picked me up, hugging me tight.

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