Chapter 11

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Abby's POV

I woke with a start, and looked at the clock. Four in the morning. I looked over to my door and realized that was what had woken me up.

The doorknob was rattling.

And suddenly, the lock clicked.

And it burst open.

I let out a little shriek and jumped up, grabbing my phone, already going to the A's in my contacts. I had expected my dad to rush in and grab me, but it was a man and a woman, wildly making out, moans erupting out of their throats. The woman had somehow picked my lock with a bobby pin, which she just dropped to the ground now, wrapping her arms and legs around the thick man's body.

I backed away, disgusted, as they fell onto my bed, right where I just was. I was pressed against the wall now, staring in shocked horror.

At first, my heart was beating so fast that I could nearly feel it in the back of my throat, and I was terrified. But now? Now I was just plain angry.

Them being in here felt like they were invading my life even more. I felt like they could just look at my computer and my bed sheets and my pictures and my perfume and clothes and see me, and know me.

I didn't want them in here. My room was the only place in my house that I could be me - where I could hang up pictures of Zoey and Mace and Alex and Zach and Robert and Tyler and Austin and my mom...

I needed them to get out, now.

With a new burst of courage and adrenaline, I stomped over to the woman, who was on top of the man, and grabbed her platinum blonde oily hair, yanking her off my bed.

She landed on the floor with a thump.

They looked at me, eyes wide, not knowing that anybody had been in there.

"Get out of my room!" I screeched, opening the door and motioning with my hands for them to get out. My hair was a mess, and my make-up, which I never bothered to take off, was probably smeared. I must have looked like a mad-woman, and if I were in their shoes I would've ran out of there as fast as I could. But they just laughed, and the man got up from my bed, cracking his neck.

Jeez, I was going to have to wash my sheets later.

Several times.

"Oh? And what are you going to do if we don't, little girl?" He sneered.

I didn't have an answer to that - I just flicked on my lights so I could see them better. I was in short-shorts and a tank top, and I grabbed a long wool cardigan and slipped it on over my pajamas.

The man, who was tall and bulky, with brown eyes and dirty blonde hair, cocked an eyebrow.

"You're a pretty one, ain'tcha? Want to come and play with us?" He threw his head back and laughed. But the woman, who just stood up, looked me up and down, a hand slung over her hip, a jealous look in her eyes.

"She's not that pretty." She said.

"Come here." The man walked closer to me. "I won't hurt you."

And that was my cue to run - because that's what people always said before they hurt you. So, cell phone still in hand, I turned around and sprinted out of my room, slamming the door shut behind me. I thanked god that the man was drunk, and he wouldn't be able to catch me.

I just prayed that they didn't have sex on my bed. No amount of washing could get that off of my sheets.

I slipped around dozens of drunk men and women, the stench of sweat and alcohol burning my nostrils. I gagged and stopped once I got outside onto the porch, breathing deeply.

It had been dark in the house, and I hadn't run into my dad or anybody. It seemed as though he forgot I lived there - not like it would've stopped him from having the party in the first place. The numb feeling wrapped around my heart again when I thought of my dad, and I sat down on one of my porch steps and looked up at the stars, wishing that he would be my dad for once. I wanted him to kiss my forehead and ask about school and give me lunch money and give me birthday presents.

A deep voice broke my train of thoughts, and I jumped up.

"Well hello there, little girl. Are you lost?" A man was standing five feet away from me in a dark corner, smoking a cigarette.

"Get the hell away from me." I snapped. I had enough with old, drunken men and being called 'little girl' by them.

Then, I started running to Austin's house, not even waiting to hear his response.

Once I got there, I called his cell phone, and he picked up immediately.

I told him to meet me outside and I slunk down on his driveway, head between my knees.

I felt a gentle stroke on my knotted hair, and he crouched down beside me, and scooped me up.

"It's alright, Abby. You're safe now." He murmured, carrying me up the stairs. The sweet scent of him was such a relief after all of that alcohol and smoke burning my throat. I nuzzled my face into his neck and breathed deeply.

"It was scary, Austin." I said, my eyes drooping. I felt him place me on his bed, and he crawled in beside me, tucking the blanket around us. "It smelled bad and then they came into my room and the man was a creep and I ran and now I'm tired. I'm so tired, Austin. I'm so tired..."

I was mumbling things that he probably couldn't even understand, but I just needed to say something before I fell asleep.

"Shhh. Sleep, Abby. It's alright. You're safe now." He crooned, pulling me into his chest.

"Safe..." I breathed out, slipping in and out of consciousness.

"Safe. You'll always be safe when I'm with you." He said.

I smiled slightly and then drifted off to sleep, the comforting rhythm of his hand rubbing my back lulling me to a dreamless sleep.

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