Chapter 19

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We collapsed onto my bed and with the thunder and rain and blood and bad memories and tears swirling around us like a hurricane, we fell into a fitful sleep, clinging and grasping and holding and drawing strength from the other.

And this was how it should be.

It's Abby and I against the world.

Abby's POV

Lights flickered in front of my eyes. A loud, annoying blaring noise filled my ears and I moaned, crinkling my eyebrows. Somewhere in the background, I still heard the storm outside. I shifted, and felt Austin's warmth right next to me. He was breathing deeply, and his left arm was wrapped protectively around my body. As consciousness took over my hazy mind, the sirens got even louder, and I heard voices calling to each other on bull horns. I opened my eyes and sat up quickly, my vision blurring and my head spinning.

I recognized this siren. I think everybody that lives in the United States of America would.

They were police sirens.

"Austin. Austin, wake up!" I shouted, shaking his shoulder. He opened his eyes and mumbled, sitting up, confused.

Banging ensued, loud bangs that clattered the long on the front door. I couldn't help but let out a little yelp.

"What the hell?" Austin was fully awake now, and his green eyes were locked on mine in the darkness.

"Austin, what's happening?" We were dressing now, each pulling on one of his hoodies with shaking fingers and running fingers through our hair. The banging got even louder, and shouts came from outside.

"I don't know. We have to go open the door for them." Austin looked at my shaking hands, and grabbed one of them with his. "Don't be scared, Abby. Everything's probably all right."

We ran down the stairs, hand in hand, and Austin yanked the door open. Five police cars were messily parallel parked on our street, and about 20 police officers and detectives dressed in thick, black trench coats stood in front of us.

Austin looked at them, squeezing my hand. "Can I help you, officers?"

One of them with a slightly crooked nose stepped forward and flashes his badge. "Which one of you is Abigail Brooks?"

Shock. Shock coursed through my body. Why did they want me? What did they want with me? Has my father done something...?

I swallowed and stepped forward. "That would be me."

"We've been informed that you are in an abusive household, Ms. Brooks. Is that or is that not true?"

Lightning flashed.

Rain poured.

Thunder boomed.

My mouth opened and closed like a fish, and I stared at him with wide eyes. I looked at Austin, who looked just as shocked and confused as I probably did.

"Answer my question, please, Ms. Brooks. This is a major law offense, and we need to know if this is true or not."

"Who told you this?" I avoided his question, my eyes blaring.

"It was an anonymous call. We have no right to give away their -"

"Who told you this?" I shouted.

Suddenly, a car pulled up. Out jumped a teary Zoey and her mother.

"Abby!" She shouted, running up the driveway. "Abby. I'm so sorry! I-"

"It was you? Zoey! How-"

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