Chapter 7

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Alex chuckled nervously. "What did you say?"

"My dad is abusive." I sighed. Austin gently took my hand and rolled the cardigan sleeve up, and then smeared away the concealer with his thumb, showing the bruises and cuts. I hid my face in his shoulder, crying. It was a good thing not a lot of people hang out around our tree, or that would be very bad...and embarrassing.

For a minute, everybody was completely silent, even me.

I was crying silent tears.

Then, Zoey broke down and started crying, too. My head whipped up from Austin's shoulder, and I ran over to her, capturing her in a hug. Sobs wracked through my body, shaking me.

"Why didn't you tell us?" She wailed, squeezing my tightly.

"I didn't know how." My voice cracked, and I hid my face in her neck, the scent of her hair comforting me. Zach and Macy were fighting tears, but I think they were still in shock.

"I can't believe it." Macey took a shaky breath. "Your...your dad?"

"Yeah. My dad." I sniffled, wiping the tears off my cheeks. Zach, Robert and Alex were staring at me, but their eyes held anger. Anger and disbelief and pure shock.

"I...I would rather you have been pregnant, Abby-bear." Alex said glumly.

I half-smiled. "Me too."

For once I didn't yell at him for calling me Abby-bear. The term of endearment filled me with love, and I needed some of that.

"We'll get through this, Abs." Macey said reassuringly.

"Get through what?" Tina Walters, gossip girl of the school, bounded up. Our eyes widened.

Oh, god.

", my uncle. He just died in a car crash yesterday." I quickly lied, walking back over to Austin.

"Oh, Abby, I'm so sorry!" Tina wailed.

"Don't tell too many people, alright?" Austin growled. Didn't bother saying 'don't tell anyone', because we all know it's gonna spread through the school like a wild-fire.

"I swearsies!" She laughed. "I'm sorry for your loss, Abby! Bye!" She blew us air-kisses, and then bounded away. I rolled my eyes.

"That girl..." I muttered.

It felt like a gigantic weight has been lifted from my heart. My friends finally knowing my big secret was a huge relief to me.

The bell rang, and we all stood up and grabbed our backpacks. Austin, Alex and I had every class together, which was good for me now, but also very...rough. Lots of shoving and cussing and 'dudes' and 'man' and 'what's ups?'. I didn't mind, though. It was kind of cute, actually. They still acted like they were in 8th grade.

Austin slid his hand through mine and we walked into the school, leaving behind our tree. People were looking at our intertwined fingers, questioning looks on their faces. No one confronted us, though. I had pulled my cardigan sleeve back down right before Tina got there, but I kept tugging at them to make sure nothing was showing.

"You're fine." Austin muttered through his teeth. He kissed the top of my head. "I'll tell you if...any thing's showing."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a big hug.

"Thanks...for everything." I whispered.

"Anytime, Abs. I swear. For the rest of my life, I'll protect you." He whispered back.

"Don't I get a hug too?" Alex whined, ruining the moment. Austin growled, but I laughed and opened my arm, keeping one around Austin's neck, standing on my tip-toes to be able to reach both of them. Alex joined the group hug, and we swung around for a bit, acting like children. I giggled, dizzy.

Abused {ACM}Where stories live. Discover now