Chapter 20

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There was something gentle and caring in this police officer's eyes, and I relented my attitude a little. I shrugged. "It doesn't matter, since he's not going to know where I am anymore. Because you're taking me away..."

"It's for the better."

I just shrugged and buried myself further into Austin's oversized hoodie. His musky scent filled my nose and more tears slipped down my cheeks.

"I swear I'll come back," I whispered. "I swear."

Abby's POV

Rain raced against the frosted window of the police car as he raced down the streets to wherever it is they're going to take me. My heart is numb. Rain, usually my favorite weather, brought a sense of dullness. My eyes glazed over and the only thing I could concentrate on was the scent of Austin's hoodie, which I knew in time would fade.

I tucked my knees up and rested my chin on it, squeezing my eyes shut. Countless minutes passed, and the officer whose name I never caught went around and opened my door. I didn't move. The chilly air blasted at my cheeks and made me shiver.

"We're here." He muttered. I slowly turned my head to see where 'here' was. The police station. Makes sense. He reached over and unbuckled me and grabbed my elbow, gently but firmly leading me out of the car. I stuffed my hands into the hoodie sleeves and clenched them into fists, walking as bravely as I could into the building.

At least it would be warm in there.

Melodies and quotes and song lyrics drifted their way through my head, and I searched for one to give me strength. I couldn't think of any.

"Are...are you feeling okay?" The police officer shuffled his feet awkward, shoving his hands into his black windbreaker.

I glared at him. "Oh, I'm having a great night. All my dreams came true and now I'm a Disney princess."

He scratched his head and pushed the door open for me. My shoes squeaked on the linoleum floors, and I buried my face into the hoodie's hood, my eyes roaming around the room. There was a very tired looking woman standing in front of us, having just stood from the plastic chairs that were neither a red or pink or brown, but somewhere in-between.

"Hello, my name is Mrs. Thompson. I will be escorting you to the House of Care. Thank you, Officer Brown, for bringing her here."

And so into another car I went.

More anxious questions.

More sarcastic answers.

I stared at the window, and at times I could have sworn I saw the outline of a man standing underneath the street lights, with the exact same body shape my father had.

But that was probably just my imagination.

Or that was what I told myself.

We got to a huge, run-down house and by now the rain had lightened, in a soft sprinkle now. I stepped out of the car and waited for Mrs. Thompson to knock on the door.

A young woman opened the tall wooden door, the squeak echoing back into the hallway as she smiled softly.

"Hello, Nicole. This is Abby, she needs a place to stay for a while. You got room?" Mrs. Thompson's tired, drawn face relaxed into a lopsided smile as she hugged the other woman.

"Of course! Come in, sweetie. You must be so cold." Nicole took my hand and rubbed warmth into it, pulling me up into the house. I jerked my hand back, disturbed by the affectionate gesture by the complete stranger. Nicole shrugged, completely unaffected.

"You're going to have to share a room, unfortunately. We're a little limited on space here." Nicole explained as she waved 'bye' to Mrs. Thompson and closing the door.

I shrugged. For some reason, I didn't want to be rude to Nicole. With her long, billowy hair, her fine bone structure, and wide doe eyes, she looked too sweet.

Too much like Zoey.

"It's alright." I mumbled, looking away from her face, blinking away tears. Clenching my hands, I bit my tongue, hard.

Don't you dare think about Zoey right now - and miss her. She's the one that did this to you, hate her, hate her! You should hate her.

But deep down, I knew I didn't. I couldn't - I never would. I took a deep breath and Nicole reached over to pat me affectionately on the back.

I flinched away. She looked at me with concern. I swallowed.

"Sorry." I muttered.

Stupid girl! She wasn't going to hit you or anything.

I grimaced and looked down at wrists, a bruise peeking out from Austin's black hoodie sleeve. Austin's name hollered to my tear ducts, and I felt tears attacking my eyes again.

"Your room is upstairs," Nicole said softly. "Follow me."

I followed softly, biting my lip the whole way.

"Your roommates are probably asleep, so try to be quiet. There are plenty of girls and boys your age here. Sixteen, correct? Yes, you'll fit in perfectly." Nicole smiled warmly.

I couldn't help but smile back. I opened the door, and was met with 6 different pairs of eyes looking up at me.

"You girls aren't asleep yet?" Nicole whispered.

'No's' were muttered around the room, and some of them groaned and rolled over.

"Can you make some room for Abihail? She's going to be your new roommate."

They all shuffled over, and there was instantly a spot for me on the floor. "Thanks." I muttered. I laid down on the sleeping back Nicole smoothed out for me, and then she left and closed the door. I hated seeing her go, and I stared at the door, biting my lip. I've never felt so awkward in my life - I didn't know what was going on. How long was I going to be here? Who were these girls? Were they all in my situation too? Was Nicole the only caretaker here?

A clap of thunder boomed through the room, and the rain started pounding down on the roof. I heard my roommates' breathing even out, and hours passed. Fatigue gnawed at my body, but I couldn't seem to close my eyes.

Memories of cuts, bruises, broken vases - along with a certain pair of emerald eyes, a firm jaw line, messy brown hair, a warm smirk.

By now, the rain water had dried on my clothes and just left me in itchy uncomfortableness. I saw up quietly and looked around at my roommates, and saw all of them sprawled out with each other, their faces peaceful. I got up and squeezed out the door, trying not to make the hinges squeak. Walking down the stairs, I was met with dark expanses of hallways and doors and corridors.

I slid down a wall and finally let a sob escape.

Stop crying, I thought to myself as tears ran down my cheeks. My face felt feverish and I was literally choking on my sobs. I buried my face into my knees and wrapped my arms around them so that my cries wouldn't echo down the hallway.

I was shaking uncontrollably, and I was colder than I could ever be in the rain.

"You're going to see him again!" I told myself.

My shaky voice did not convince me.

"You're going to see him again..." My voice cracked, and my face fell in desperation. "You swore."

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