Newly "Weds"

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You knew today was going to be a disaster, ever sense you "accidentally" destroyed your little brother's Lego castle this morning and got punched in the gut because of it.

But that wasn't the worst thing that happened today! No, no! Today was a living nightmare! A nightmare that you never wanted to go through again!

For starters your health teacher didn't ask everyone to take out their books and turn to chapter blah and do section review bleh.

Instead he erased everything on the white board and had two cups full of folded up paper.

You looked at the cup full of folded paper curiously as you sat down at your seat, waiting for class to start. You pulled out your folder and pencil and took out a piece of notebook paper from your folder.

While you waited for class to start, you just stared at the two cups of folded paper, like if they were the only things keeping you alive.

You were going to start daydreaming when you heard the most obnoxious laugh ever! And there is only one person in the whole world that would have that laugh.


The class clown. Or how he likes to refer to himself, "The Great King of Northern Europe."

Mathias walks in the classroom all high and mighty and yells out, "No need to worry anymore! I have come to brighten up your day! The weather should be nice and sunny now!" He laughed after doing a few poses and jumping around like a maniac.

You mentally facepalmed, 'This guy is a total idiot!'

The teacher sighed and pointed to his desk, "Mathias, please go sit down. And let's try to have a calm and quiet day today."

Mathias salutes (T/N) and sits down at his desk.

You smiled and sighed, Mathias' desk is all the way in the back, while you were all the way in the front. You smiled at the distance between you guys. 'I bet the only reason that Mathias is in the very back of the classroom, is so (T/N) didn't have to deal with him.'

After a couple of minutes waiting for all the preps and jocks to shut up and sit down, the bell finally rang for class to start.

Everyone sat at their desks and pulled out a piece of notebook paper, expecting the teacher to make them do work.

But instead, (T/N) pulled out his brand new marker and wrote on the board, "Marriage."

Your heart sank.

'Marriage! Marriage! You gotta be kidding me! Out of all the chapters and lessons in the book, it had to be marriage!'

Everyone in the classroom, including me, whined as we read the board.

Everyone except, Mathais, who was too busy balancing a pencil on his nose to even bother to read the board.

(T/N) finally noticed Mathias being... Mathias and took the pencil he was balancing off of his nose, "Mathias please pay attention."

Mathias smiled, that obnoxious smile, and gave him a thumbs up, "Okay~"

The teacher sighed put the pencil back on his desk. He walked back the white board and rubbed his forehead. He was clearly annoyed with the Danish idiot.

Everyone was trying really hard to hold back their laughs as the teacher took out his marker.

He sighed one more time and looked up at us, "Ok class, today we are going to do a marriage project. I am going to pair everyone up as a "married" couple, and then give you guys assignments to do as a "married" couple. Each assignment will be something like, 'What job to get?' 'How many kids will you have, and how many?' Ext. Ext." He picked up the two cups and turned them around to show us that one was labeled female and the other was labeled male. "This project will last a week. Monday through next Monday. I will give you each a new assignment everyday. You will then send me a report after each day about your experience as a 'married couple'."

He reached his hand into the cup labeled female.

Your heart kept pounding in your chest. Your heart felt like it was going to make a hole in your chest to escape. You didn't blame it, you wanted to escape as much as your heart did. Marriage! Your only 16! Way too young for marriage!

The teacher pulled out the pink card and read, "(Some annoying girl in your class)"

You sighed in relief. It wasn't you.

He reached into the blue cup labeled male and took out a blue slip and read, "(the cutest guy in your class)"

Your heart sank. 'Crude!' You wanted him as your partner! Even though this was a "married" couple project, you at least wanted to be paired up with a really cute guy.

After a bunch of laughs and oohs and aahs. (T/N) wrote the names on the board, and reached his hand again for another pink slip.

Your heart pounded in your chest once again, while your hands got all sweaty as he pulled out another name.

Again it wasn't you, but this went on for quiet a while.

'I don't think my heart can take this much longer.' You thought as the teacher reached for another pink slip.

Your heart pounded faster than it ever could as you heard your name being called.

'Oh please no! I rather go to detention, or do this!' You stared at that old wrinkly hand as it slowly went into that cup and pulled out a blue slip.


Your heart sank. Sank lower than it possibly could. You hand to put your hand on your chest to make sure that your heart was still there.

Sadly, it was.

You turned towards the blonde, wild haired teenage boy behind you.

He was smiling and waving at you furoushisly. You was praticly jumping out of his seat trying to get your attention.

You waved, a small wave. Trying your best too smile.

'My worst nightmare, has come true.'

But what you didn't know, was that this nightmare was going to lead you to a major plot twist.

Hetalia: The Risky Bet ( Denmark X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now