A Broken Pawn

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You were running through a dark gloomy hall in an abandoned mansion.

You were surrounded by cobwebs and trinkles of blood all over the wall.

You could hear the loud roars of the monster chasing you as tried to find a place to hide.

"ROAR!" The monster screamed as you ran for a place to hide.

Sweat was streaming down your skin and the tears in your eyes were fogging up your view.

You kept asking yourself...

'How will I escape?'

'Am I going to survive?'

'Will someone come and help me?'
You stopped. You couldn't hear the sounds of the monster anymore, nor the sounds of his gigantic feet stopping and following your every movement.

Everything was silent.

The only thing you could hear was the sound of the thunder and lightning from outside.

Releaved that you finally escaped the monster, you wiped the sweat from your forehead.


You froze as you heard the growl of the monster that was chasing after you right behind you.

You turned around slowly out of fear.

It can't be...

No way...

He couldn't be there....

You checked...

You were completely alone.

You finally turned around fully to see that monster open his mouth to reveal his big yellow fangs covered in ooze and slim. You could see the remains of dead mice stuck between his teeth.

His breath smelled worse than your father's attempt in making noodle casserole and your uncle Arthur's cooking combined. You didn't know it was possible, but that monster sure made it happen.

You tried to run but your feet were glued to the ground. You tried to move your other limbs but they were frozen in place.

You were done for...

There was no escape...


You closed your eyes ready for death to come. When suddenly you heard a familar scream...


You opened your eyes to see that blonde haired goofball on top of the monster with a sword stabbed through his head.

"M-Matthias?!" You stood there amazed. Matthias saved you! Your night in shining armor arrived! And I mean literally, the hall was so dark and now it is so bright!

Matthias jumped off the monster and walked over to you, "(Y/N), I came for you. I am here, now. There is nothing to be afraid of. Please stop crying."

The spell that kept your feet froze to the ground and your body frozen, finally lifted.

You ran into Matthais' arms.

Matthias hugged you tightly and securely.

You couldn't stop the tears streaming down your face, "Matthias.... You came!"

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