The Date

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You shot out of your bed and stretched out your back. 'This is going to be a long day! I better wear something comfortable.'

You ran into your closet and opened the door, "Now which outfit?"

You looked at your body sized mirrior, "Mirror, Mirror on the... Standing on the floor. Which outfit should I wear?"

A (f/c) shirt showed up at the corner of the mirror. You smiled at the shirt your mother gave you for your sweet 16. It had become your most favorite shirt!
You decided to put on your favorite shirt and blue jean shorts and (f/c) jacket that was super thin on. You also wore long leather boots.

You laughed, you looked a bit like female Izaya from Durarara!!!

You quickly fixed your hair and walked over to the mirror again and stroke a few poses. 'Dang! I look good~'

You chuckled, "I wonder if Mathias would like it?"

You stopped fixing your hair and nearly punched the mirror, "Idiot! Why are you dressing up for him! You don't even like him! ... Do you?"

You were about to change out of your clothes when you heard the doorbell ring.

'Oh man! That ruins everything... Now I can't change out of this smoking hot outfit!"

You ran downstairs and opened the door. Their stood your "husband" Mathias. Instead of wearing his overly fashioned black coat. He was wearing something you thought looked pretty cute on him.

He wore a red jacket that was unzipped revealing a white shirt underneath. He was also wearing long blue jeans with black shoes. His hair was still messy and spiky, but it had this strange shine that really caught your eye.

You just stood there staring at the now handsome Danish boy standing in front of you.

He locked his sapphire blue eyes with your (e/c), and waved his hand in front of your face, "Are you just going to stand there and stare at my awesome self or are you going to step outside and we could get going to our date?"

You snapped out of his gaze and shook your head yes. You tried your hardest to cover your red cheeks with your sleeves. But no matter how hard you could, Mathias could still see it.

Mathias laughed, not that obnoxious laugh, but a cute laugh, "Stop trying to cover that pretty face of yours." Mathias gently removed your arms from your face and locked his sapphire blue eyes with your (e/c) eyes again. He gave you a big goofy smile, "There's that pretty face! I found it!"

You were blushing an even deeper red than ever!

Mathias let go of one of your arms and brought his right hand to yours. You let him take your hand and he soon lead you to a really pretty red sports car.

Your eyes grew wide, "Oh wow, Mathias! Is this your car?"

Mathias laughed and rubbed the back of hs neck, "Yeah. I was worried that you might think it was pretty weird."

You smiled and shook your head no, "No way! I think it is actually pretty cool!"

Mathias gave you another one of his signature poses, "Thanks!" He opened the door for you and gestured you to get in.

You politely went inside his car and sat at the front passenger seat. You couldn't help but be super excited.

Not because of the date. But because you got to ride this awesome car!

Mathias soon sat down at the drivers seat and turned on the car, "You ready?"

You were practically jumping, "Oh yeah!"

He laughed and started driving the car.

You rolled down the window and stuck your head out. You smiled and laughed a bit as your hair danced in the wind.

You stayed like that for a few minutes, loving the wind on your face.

I guess Mathias was kinda bored of the silence, so he started talking again, "I got skittles in my mouth, you want to taste the rainbow?"

You laughed at his cheesy pick up lines, "I'm good thanks."

You turned towards Mathias and looked over at him, "So where are we heading?"

Mathias laughed, "I have so much stuff planned out today!"

He pulled out a piece of paper out his pocket and handed it to you, his eyes still glued to the road, "Here read it. It is a list of things to do."

You took the piece of paper from his hand and opened it.

What you though was a piece of paper, turned out to be a huge gigantic poster full of games, arcades, movie theatres, restaurants, and bars?

You couldn't read the rest of his long list of things, because:

1.) His handwriting was pretty bad

2.) The big poster was blocking the side mirrors and the road

3.) The were mostly video games and movies about legos

You closed the poster and tried your best to fold it up again. 'How did he manage to fit this huge poster in his pocket?'

Mathias still had this huge goofy smile on him, "So? Watcha think?"

You sighed and threw the poster in the back of the car, "I have something better in plan."

He looked at you questionly and guickly looked back at the road, "And what would that be?"

You smiled and pointed to the town festival going on, "Let's go their! I think it would be fun beating you at every game."

He smirked at you, "You think you can beat me? The King of Northern Europe!"

You smiled at him and smirked back, "Yeah. Without a doubt, I bet I can beat you!"

Mathias pulled over at the driveway to the town festival, "Okay then. How about we make a bet then."

You crossed your arms and sent all of your attention towards him, "I'm listening."

"If I win, you go on another date with me." He said pointing at himself.

You definitely did not want that to happen, "All right, and if I win?"

Mathias thinks about it for a while, "If you win, then I will stop calling you Honey Bunches and stop with all of the hugging and stuff."

You though about it for a while. You did hate it when he called you Honey Bunches, and you extremely hated it when he hugged you and nearly caused your heart to explode!

You stuck your hand out towards him, "Deal!"

Mathias took your hand and instead of shaking it, he pulled you towards him and before you knew it, he felt a soft pair of lips on yours.

He kissed you! He stole your first kiss!

He broke apart from your lips, "To seal the deal."

He laughed and got out of the car, "Come on (Y/N)! You gotta hurry up, so I can beat you!"

You were outraged! That Danish idiot stole your first kiss! Your first kiss! And you liked it! He is so going down!

You jumped out of the car and nearly slammed the door, "OH YOU ARE GOING DOWN, KING OF NORTHERN EUROPE! I AM SP GOING TO BEAT YOU!"

Mathias laughed and ran towards the person selling tickets, "We shall see about that!"

You ran towards him. 'He is going down!'

Hetalia: The Risky Bet ( Denmark X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now