My King In Golden Armor

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You could barely make out anything as the glow of the car lights came closer into your view.
You thought everything was going to be over for you, until you heard the voice of the person who started this all call out your name...


You turned around to try to face him, but the tears in your eyes and the light of car lights blocked your view. You could only make out the outline of his body running towards you.

You smiled and closed your eyes waiting for death to ease your pain.

You wanted to forgot all about Matthias...

You wanted to forgot about that time on the Ferris wheel...

You wanted to forgot your first kiss...

You wanted to forgot your first date...

You wanted to forgot that girl who put her arms around Matthias' neck...

You wanted to forgot all ties with him...

You just wanted to forgot it all and hopefully death would ease your pain.

The sound of the car getting closer to you blocked out all the noise around you.

All you could do was wait until death came upon you.

Then you felt the wait of something large crash into you.


You waited for your body to hit the cold ground, but that moment never came.

"(Y/N)! Wake up, darn you!"

You could hear a voice calling out your name and warm drops of water fall on your cheeks.

"(Y/N), please, Oh please, wake up!"

You slowly opened your eyes trying to adjust to the light.

But when your eyes finally adjusted to the light, you saw...

Blonde spiky hair the color of the Sun...

Clear blue eyes the color of fresh water...

And a face as mighty as a king.

It was the man in your dreams...

The one who's armor was so bright that it eliminated all your fears...

Your King in Golden Armor...


"M-Matthias..." You could barely make out the words coming from your mouth as you layed in his arms in shock.

Matthias' eyes met yours and for the first time, instead of being full of life. His eyes were full of sorrow and fear.

Tears were streaming down his face as he hugged you tighter in his embrace, "(Y/N). Thank goodness your still alive."

He tightened his grip on your shirt, "Don't ever do that again! I could have lost you!"

You were frozen.

Your eyes grew wider with each word.

"Why..." You finally got yourself to say.

Matthias loosened his grip on you confused.

You pushed him away, you couldn't stop replaying that scene with that girl in your head.

"Why! Why save me?!" You couldn't stop the tears flowing down your face as you clenched your fist.

"Why would you save a pawn?!" You closed your eyes facing the ground. You couldn't get yourself to look at him.

"You heard. Didn't you?" Matthias finally replied. You could hear regret in his words.

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