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The ticking of the clock next me made me irritated. Not that it was annoying, it was just that I felt as if I was being mocked. It was the reason I was still in school, and I just wanted to rip it off the wall and smash it.

But I won't.

"O.K. guys, you can start getting packed up since there are only a few minutes left in the period. You guys can talk as long as you're quiet and are having school appropriate conversations." Miss Williams glared at one of the school's well known perverts, which I hadn't paid enough attention towards to even known his name, and of course, Brendon. She walked out of the room as her bright orange dress shirt swayed to the rhythm she was walking.

Everyone ran across the room and flung across desks to get to their best friends as I just sat at my desk and thought about what I wanted to do when I got home. Maybe I will play on the guitar, the one that my dad bought me for my birthday before passing away.

"Look! Patrick! He is crying! What a fucking loser! Stop crying you emo piece of shit! Nobody cares about you! Go die so we can all live our lives without looking at your ugly fucking face!" I turned to see one of the most sluttiest girls in our class. I hadn't known her name, and just looked back down. She was yelling at me and her friend was behind her. Sitting there. She didn't seem like she wanted to be here right now. She was actually pretty and was very kind. She always helped me get caught up when I get sick and I help her with her homework sometimes.

I started to feel bad for her and how her best friend is such a bitch.

"Are you fucking deaf?" I heard as the slut got closer to me. I just took in the words she said. I didn't care right now, but I knew I would later on.

As I felt her get closer to me, yelling her nonsense into my ear, the bell rang loudly. Just as that whore was trying to leave, Miss Williams stood in front of the door. She grabbed that sluts shoulder and sighed, loudly.

"I'm gone for five minutes and I have someone bullying another student?! Ashlee! That is unacceptable!" She yelled as the room fell to silence. They blocked the door way, making me wait. Now only me, Miss Williams, and apparently the whore who caused this trouble, Ashlee, were in the classroom.

"You didn't think I would know? Somebody told me right when I walked in, moments before the bell rang." Wait, somebody actually cared enough to tell a teacher? "Their, or should I say, her name will not be told until you serve this whole week in detention. As for you, Patrick. I would like to talk to you."

Ashlee scurried away out the door as Miss W pointed to the desk closest to her. I sat down and let all of my stuff fall onto the wood with a thud.

"Uh, yeah?" I asked quietly, trying to get through this fast so that I can get my chores at home done. She rolled her chair over to the desk in which I was sitting in and sat down. She crossed her legs and sighed.

"Patrick, someone told me about the incident with that hoe, I um, mean Ashlee." My eyes widened at her use of hoe and almost smiled. Almost. "And I wanted to tell you the person that reported Ashlee."

"But, but I thought that Ashlee had to serve her detentions first." I said, confused. She shook her head

"That was only for her." She answered. I thought, confused, but I nodded and then started to gather my stuff again.

"Well, um. Who is it, Miss Williams?" I asked as she switched legs, crossing them again.

"Call me Hayley." She brightly responded with a smile.

"O.K., Hayley." That name felt new on my tongue, like trying a new food and not quite knowing whether you like it or not. I shuffled in my seat, feeling a bit uncomfortable. "So,"

"Oh, right. I'm sorry." She laughs a tad bit and smiles. She grabs my hand from my desk and stared at me in the eyes. I looked down at our intertwined fingers and back up. "It is, um." She bit her bottom lip while in thought, " It is Meagan. Meagan Camper."

I furrowed my eyebrows and opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. I now knew why she didn't want to tell Ashlee who it was. I didn't know what I liked better, that someone had stuck for me, or that Ashlee got told on by her best friend.

"So, Patrick. Of course, you may leave now. Thank-you for staying." She sat up from her chair and wheeled it back to her desk. As I started to pack up my things once more, I heard the loud engines of buses drive past her window. I cursed to myself.

"Patrick," I heard Hayley's voice and looked up. " is there something wrong?" She asked as she walked back over. I sighed.

"I... I ride the bus." I whispered. She hugged me from across the desk and smiled.

"I can drive you home. It was my fault you missed the bus, so I will make sure that you make it home." She commented as I cleared my throat.

"You don't ha-"

"Nonsense." She interrupted me as she grabbed the keys that sat upon her desk. "I made you late. I will drop you off, have a word with your mom if needed, and drive back to the school." She added with a grin.

I stood behind the desk and thought. If I do this, I don't have to take an hour walking. But what if someone saw...

"Sure," I quietly said to her. I felt myself almost regret the choice I had made, but I felt the urge to fist pump the air." if you could drive me home without it interrupting anything that you needed to get done, than please do."

"Alright," she replied back as she swiftly grabbed her purse and walked out the door. I followed behind her, stopping at my locker to get the rest of my crap and slamming the door.

Once we made it outside, she pointed to a sky blue 2010 Toyota Camry. "This is the thing I use to drive to this hell hole everyday." She said out loud staring at the windshield. I didn't know if I was suppose to climb inside yet or not. We waited there for thirty seconds before she sat in the driver's side. I grabbed the handle to the door and sat on the leather seat. A smell of koolaid hit me as I inhaled the air. I looked behind me to see two cases of the sugary, fruity, sweet liquid and a big plastic barrel of powder for making it.

"So, where ya live, Pat?" She asked. I shook out of the koolaid trance I was having and looked back at her. I grimaced at the nickname I was given and quietly spoke up.

"Um, I, I live on Eldwins drive. By the Golden Ridge Park." I quickly spat out my words as she turned right on Brodnick road.

Once we came face with the small, torn up, chocolate brown house, I pointed. " It, It is that one."

"The little brown one?" She asked as she was only ten feet away from the driveway. She turned to me as I nodded my head. She pulled into the driveway, the tires blasting dirt in all directs. I waited once the dirt settled a bit then opened the car door.

"Thanks Miss Will- I mean Hayley." I shouted to her. As she waved to me, I closed the door. She watched me as I walked up to the door and opened it. As I stepped foot onto the rug on the ground, I heard the engine of her car roar as it backed out.

(I know I waited a bit long to publish, but it would not let me write until I updated my phone, and plus I had been busy with my family and shit this week. As always, thanks for reading!)

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