You Don't Know How Long I've Waited For you (Chapter 5)

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Haha Man im just so bi polar haha first I takeLike 2 weeks putting  up chapters than here I am putting up another after I just put one up yesturday. I think i need to start setting up dates,What do yall think readers?? The thing Is if I set A date,Im afraid im going to get behind and,I don't want to do that so,I'll try the setting date thing, And if it dosn't work I'll do something else,Deal??

P.S Make sure you play the song If you have seen the movie(Dear John) or you Listen to Snow Patrol then you every much know this song.It is every good,Listen to the lyrics every sad :)



(Chapter 5)

Rocky's Prov;


"Mom?" What was my mom doing here? I ran out the door only to see my mom looking around the room,When she saw me, She ran to  me and hugged me like her life depended on it

"Oh my gosh sweety are you okay?, are you hurt?, do you need to go to the Doctor??" Said my mom holding my head between her hands crying.

"Mom Im fine,But were are we? How did I get here?" I said confused I mean this wasn't our house, So where were we?

"The boy that moved,Across the street brought you to his house cause He said You passed out,In a car accident, he called me when he said you were awake.  How did you get In a car accident?" She said obviously Angry that I messed up my car........ Wait who brought me here?

"Wait,Who brought me here?" 

"No,Time to explain, We have to get you to a hospital to see if your okay."She said pulling me out the last door that I didn't get to check,Which was the door that I guess lead to the other parts of the house. We were walking down the hallway that lead to some stairs but I noticed there was nothing on walls.No pictures,No paintings,Nothing.

When we got down stairs There was my brother and dad talking to....Eli?When they noticed,We had entered the room they stopped talking and my dad ran to hug me.I hugged him back. I never liked my family cry,It made me cry,Just to see the ones I loved in pain.

We stayed there for a while until my brother broke the silence.

"Rocky,What were you thinking, you could have gotten killed!?!" He said angry,and hurt. See like most brothers Zack could be annoying,But he was also overly protective of me and would kill any boy that he or my parents didn't approve of to come near me.

"I don't know what happend one second Im driving, The next Im Here." I said  trying to calm him down,Which didn't look like was working,Another thing about Zack was once he's mad.There's no changing him

"Well it's stupid what you did, you could have gotten yourself killed!" I flinched as he yelled at me and stormed out the house.

Right then and there I broke down crying.I know It wasn't my fault or anything I just couldn't stand One of my loved ones in pain.......Because of me

"Come come lets go home,Or do you think you need to go to the doctor now?" Asked my mom

"*Sniff Sniff* No I'm fine lets go home" I said holding my mom not wanting to let go.

"Okay,lets go home.Thank you,Again Eli for calling us" Said my Dad.Damn I totally forgot Eli was in the room,And here I am crying like a baby,He's probably gonna tell everybody at school.

"No problem Mr.Woods, I just wanted to make sure Rocky was okay." Said Eli shaking my dads hand. My dad nodded and we were out the door.And started walking across the street.So I guess Eli did move Across the street from us.I'll have to thank him tomorrow.

When we got inside Zack's music was full blast which meant he didn't want anyone bothering him.Which made me feel worst.

After my mom and dad kissed me goodnight I went in my room.and got some pj's so I could take a nice cold shower.Which made me feel a little better,But not enough to make me forget about my brother.Which remembering, just made me cry.

When I got out the shower And put my pj's on I went to the sink to brush my teeth,Only to see my eyes Blood shot red from all the crying.....When I finshed brushing my teeth I went to my room to go to sleep.But first I got my ipod and pluged it into my radio. And set the song to. Snow Patrol-Set The Fire To The Third Bar.And drifted off to sleep.........



Hahaha so what did you think?? I know It was pretty sad.But at least you know That Rocky and easly get hurt.And that she'll do anything to make her family happy.

Soo im thinking To setting the date to 7/20?

Dose that sound good to everybody?

Anywayz I love you all Bookworms!!!





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