You Don't Know How Long I've Waited For you (Chapter 1)

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   Beep Beep Beep

"Ugh,Shut up!" I Through my alarm clock against the wall

" Crap,now I got to get a New Alarm clock" I got out of bed an went to the restroom to take a shower. I first went to the sink an looked at myself in the mirror I was beautiful, I wasn't going to lie I had the emo black hair with Blue eyes the were the color of the sky, I was slightly pale an had full lips I was skiny but had curves,I was also a little short but I e=rather called my self fun size. I was populer With everybody at school and was also a straight a student and I was friends with everybody who was nice,And didnt juge people.

When I got out the shower And got dressed I went down stairs to find my family already having breakfast.My older brother Zack, My mom an dad.

"Hey Rocky" Said Zack

Zack had that same goth image as me but had grey eyes strong cheek bones Was star quater back off the football team.Zack was a good brother always stood up for me,When someone was being a jerk.Zack was also a straight A student like me.

"Hey honey" Said my mom. She was The manager of A huge company,As was my dad.  both my Mom and dad had Grey eyes,So I didn't know how I got my eyes, But it didn't matter Both my parents were loving an understanding They never layed a finger on me an my brother. Which was good.

" Hey mom, hey dad, hey zack" I said smiling at them.

" You hungry sweety, I just made some eggs an bacon" Said my mom holding a pan of freshly  made Bacon

"No Thanks, I'll just eat at school with Raquel an Matt" I said picking up my backpack an heading toards the door

"Okay,Have a great day love you!"Said my mom shouting as I walked out the door

"Love you too!!" As I closed the door an headed tords my car.I had a Black 2011 camaro.Oh how I loved my car.When I got in put ma seatbelt on I plugged in my ipod into my car an played "The outsider" By A Perfect Circle. 

The drive to school wasn't long about 10 minutes from were I lived. As I pulled up to the I usualy park I could already see My two best friends Matt an Raquel waiting for me by Raquels car . We had be friends since the 3rd grade.

"Hey guys" I said as I got out the car

"Hey rocky" Said Raquel hugging me. Raquel Had the same hairdo as me but always put way to much Hairspray,Had brown eyes an had a weird liking for Hannah montanna? I never really understood her,But still loved her.

"Hey shorty" Said matt hugging me. His real name was matthew, But it was easer just to call him matt. Matt had That justin beiber hair style but was black an looked more emo.He was tall and I never really new his eye color he was always wearing green color contacts. Matt was also a player an acted like a idiot most of the time 

I rolled my eyes "Hey matt" I said hugging him back

"Come on, lets go to the cafeteria, Im starving" I said walking with them in side the High school


 Hey Bookworms! Like the new Book so far? I hope I don't know one second im wachin a horror film the next second im writing this Anywayz I just hope you like it ill upload soon byeee

P.S. Thats a picture of rockey sorry if it didn't come out good :////

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