Chapter 13

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Mitch picked me up at three AM, I couldn't fall asleep in Dylan's arms. So I texted Mitch hoping he was awake. Luckily, he was, I asked him to pick me up and gave him the address. I waited outside while Dylan was still asleep. He pulled up and I hoped in. We both had sweatpants on.

"It's three AM, Cay." Mitch said calling me by my nickname. I smiled and laughed a little.

"What?" He asked.

"You haven't called me that since tenth grade." I said smiling once again.

"Well, I missed it. What should we do at three in the morning, might I add once again. It's three in the morning!" He said.

"Let's roam the streets."

"That's a little dangerous." Mitch said.

"Are you scared, Mitchy?" I asked. He shifted in his seat.

"No." He said. I giggled.

"Just drive." I said.

We arrived in the heart of Erie.

"Park here." I said pointing to the open spot on the road.

"Why?" He asked

"Do you not see the Twenty-four hour arcade?" I asked. He looked around. I shook my head and got out. He ran over to my side.

"Why didn't you let me get your door, for you?" He asked sounding disappointed. I giggled and walked into the arcade. We were the only ones in there. thank god. I cashed my money in for tokens. I had about thirty. I went right to the Skee-ball machine. Mitch followed.

"I'm going to beat you Marns." I said nudging his arm a little.

"Nah fam." Mitch said, which made me laugh. I put in my token and Mitch did the same. I threw my ball up and hit the '100'. Mitch hit the '5'. I laughed and threw another one.

I beat him. That's the usual though. We were there till five AM.

"We should probably go. I don't want Dylan to wake up and me not there." I said.

"Right." Mitch said looking down, choking on his words. He opened my door for me and shut it, walking over to his side. He started the car. I turned on the radio and rolled the windows down. I sang along, waving my arm out the window. I looked over at Mitch.  The street lights lit us up. He had a sexy smirk on his face. His hand was gripping the steering wheel. I always had a weakness for his hands. girls will understand what im talking 'bout. His other hand was resting on the console. I grabbed it and smiled at him. He yanked his hand away from mine.

"What?" I screamed.

"You have a boyfriend! Stop playing me!"

"Playing you?" I screamed back.

"Sue me for wanting to hang out with you and forgiving you!" I screamed once again. He slammed on the brakes.

"I'm sorry, okay?" He screamed really loud. I jumped.

"You think it's easy for me to see you with Dylan?" He kept screaming. "Hell no it's not! I love you and I always will Carter! Are you that blind?" He kept screaming at me.

"Mitch..." I started.

"Forget it." He interrupted me and starting driving again.

"Stop the car." I said angrily. He slammed on the brakes again. I looked over at him. Into his blue eyes that I missed.

"You didn't let me finish." I said softly. I leaned over and met my lips to his. He had his hand on my waist. I grabbed it, pushing it down. He slipped his tongue into my mouth. I was running my hands through his hair. His hair was trash to Dylan's but it didn't matter. dylan. I pulled away.

"I lov-" I started.

"No, you don't." Mitch finished for me. "You love Dylan and I have to respect that." He wasn't wrong, but he wasn't fully right either. I missed his eyes, his lips, his smile. I missed him.

"Not true." I said kissing him again. He had his hand where I moved it to. He removed it, because my phone was ringing. I looked at him.

"It's probably Dylan. You should get it." Luckily, it wasn't. It was an unknown number. If it was five in the morning, it's important.


"Hi, Carter?" A lady asked.

"This is she. Who is this?" I asked.

"Your mom." The lady answered.

"Momma?" I questioned. A tear slipped down my cheek. Mitch was starring at me with concern on his face.

"Yes, sweetie, it's me. How have you been?" She asked.

"Good, I have a boyfriend." I answered thinking of Mitch. I wanted to tell her last year when we first started dating.

"Oh-la-la. Tell me about him."

"He's a gentleman. He plays hockey, kinda short, he has the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen. His smile lights up my day." I said looking at Mitch. He smiled at me goofily, I giggled.

"How long have you been dating." She asked. Well, we aren't dating yet so I can't answer that. I covered the speaker and asked Mitch.

"How long should we have been dating?"

"Two years." He answered.

"Two years, mamma." I said. "What about you?" I asked.

"No one. But I'm going to college for photography."

"That's great, ma."

"I called because I was going to surprise you at Christmas but, Will, said you were in Erie." Will was my dad.

"Yes, I'm in Erie with my boyfriend."

"You aren't-"

"No!" I said finishing for her.

"Give me the address, I'll come up." She asked. I gave Mitch the phone and told him to say his hotel address.

"Bye, Ma." I said hanging up. I cried in Mitch's shoulder. They weren't sad tears, they were happy. Because I was seeing my mom.

"We should get going." I said pulling myself together. I wiped my eyes as Mitch drove back to Dylan's.
We pulled up. I kissed Mitch again.

"This is our little secret." I whispered in his ear.  I pecked his lips again and got out. I walked upstairs to Dylan's apartment. I unlocked the door, trying to be silent. I walked into the bedroom. I slipped my jeans off. I climbed in bed with him. I soon fell asleep.


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