Chapter 21

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I woke up next to Dylan on the couch. My face hurt and so did my wrist. All the flashbacks coming at once. The memories flooding me. Even how I felt during it. It made me feel sick. My throat drying and my breathe quickining. I pushed myself off Dylan and jumped up. I felt like I was going to die. I couldn't breathe. breathe. breathe. I kept having to remind myself. Dylan slowly woke up. I was wheezing and holding my stomach. panic attack. I got these all the time when my Mom left. It had been so long I forgot how to handle them. I usually had Mitch to help me. mitch. My breathe was quicking by the second. Once Dyl was fully awake he jumped up. His eyes filling with concern just like last night.

"Baby, just breathe," He said. baby. I began to focus on my breathes. "focus on me." He said. I focused on every little thing I loved about him. His blue eyes, his hair, his smile, the way he laughed, his weird dance moves, the way he slept, the way he held me when we kissed, how big his heart was. Just absolutely everything about him was perfect. and i was thinking about mitch. How could I still think about him after all he did to me. I mean, he did not mean to hit me. He was intoxicated, he would have never done that while stable. And he was mad, not that, that was any excuse.

dylan or mitch?

I thought calming down. My breath became normal. Dylan ran to get me water. I sat down on the couch. Dylan came out running, spilling half the water out of the cup. He handed it to me.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his eyes still wide with concern. I smiled and nodded up at him. I sipped my water. I cupped it with both hands, my left leg tapping. Dylan sat next to me on the couch. He pulled me in, kissing my head.

"We'll be okay." He said rubbing my arm. Tears were slowly rolling down my face. I slipped out of his grasp. I laided down across his lap with my head towards the ceiling. He started playing with my hair. I managed to fake a smile at him. why me? I wanted to scream. First, my mother left, then the depression issues, then Mitch leaves, then he comes back along with my Mom, then my Dad gets seriously injured, then Mitch hurts me again. why me? Why do all badd things happen to good people. I was happy for once with Dylan. Why did I let Mitch ruin that? I looked from the ceiling to Dylan breifly. maybe dylan is who im supposed to be with.

"Shoot." I said bouncing off his lap and running upstairs. I left my phone upstairs in the bedroom. I wouldn't know if there was any news on my Dad. I took it off the charger and checked it.

Mitch🔥- baby please

Mitch🔥- baby im sorry

Mitch🔥- i didnt mean to do that

Mitch🔥- carter i love you so much i would never hurt you like that

The last one pissed me off. "Never hurt me" Mitch has been able to pick up the broken pieces, but once he has them he just throws them again.

Mitch🔥- carter please just talk to me

Carter💕- just leave me alone. i think you need to forget it. by it i mean us, get over it. you ruined it.

There, hopefully he will listen which he probably won't.

Momma❤️- Robert is still unstable but he is showing signs of improvement.

Yay, that made me feel better.

I walked back downstairs Dylan was making something. I skipped over to him hugging him from behind.

"Should I be scared?" I asked him. He has tried once to make me breakfast. He burnt it, all the three times he tried to do it.

"I've worked on it since then." He awnsered knowing what I was referring too. I lik this, right here. Just Dylan and I. But, I want this with Mitch. Eventhough he hurt me and I told him to forget, I can't help but think of what we would be if I never met Dylan.

Only one burnt waffle later, he finally produced one at a normal color inwhich the waffle should be.

"So, you did work on it!" I said getting the butter and syrup out of the refrigerator. I heard him giggle behind me. While I was pulling the milk out I realized my wrist. It was swollen and a dark purple and blue color. I ignored it and turned to Dylan.

"It looks good, but does it taste good?" I said moving my hand across his back and wrapping my arms around him. I kissed his cheek, continuing to my seat."On three." I said. We both cut a piece off and put it on our fork.

"One, Two, Three." He said, I pushed the waffle in my mouth and began feeling it out, with my tongue. My eyes probably popped out of my head.

"This is actually good!" I said fully suprised. Dylan glared at me and ate more of his accomplishment.
We arrived back at the hospital around three. My mom was still sitting next to my Father. She had heavy bags under her eyes. I changed into a longsleeve sweater so she would not see my wrists and I covered my face with makeup. I hugged her and handed her, her lunch. We all got subs and coffee. Dylan and I sat together on the floor, leaning up against my Dad's bed. My mom changed her clothes and joined us.

"No Mitch?" She asked. I looked up at her then looked away. I was very uncomfortable about it still.

"Uh, no he is in Guelph, for a game." I lied. She just nodded and unwrapped her sub. Dylan touched my leg, I looked up at him. He smiled at me. It was almost a reassurance, that I would be okay. Maybe I would. Maybe I won't. All I know, is I want my Dad to wake up and I want to see Mitch.

#TeamMitch or #TeamDylan?


check out "Accidents Happen (Nathan Beaulieu)" ??? XOXO

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