Chapter 11- Help

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I woke up in a place I didn't recognize. "Well, well, well look who's up?" The voice from the phone says. "Why didn't you do what he said?!" The other voice said. I know that voice! Bianca? "Yea why?!" Another voice I recognized said. Chloe. "What do you want from me?" I ask. "Oh nothing from you, something for you to be is more like it!" He said. "And what is that? I can't read minds!" "Dead! We want you dead!" He screams. Crap! He finally comes out of the shadows holding a knife. He takes my arm and cuts it again and again. And everything went black. Again.


It's been almost a day since Ariana was you...know...what. We got a video call. Ray answered. "So you want your daughter and your girlfriend?" He asked referring to Ray and I. "Well come and get her!" He said and stepped away to reveal a cut up unconscious Ariana. "You have 96 hours (A/N: four days) to come or else she's dead." He hangs up. "Ray we have to find her!" I scream with tears streaming down my face. "I know. We will." He says. "We have four days." He continues. We try and try and try for hours on end and nothing.

~~~~~~four days later~~~~~~


I heard everything on that call. Four days ago, well almost four days. Nothing! I'm still here with more cuts all over! Nothing. 95 hours have gone by. Nothing. Nothing at all. It gets to be one minute till 96 hours still nothing. 96. Nothing. No! The man, who I still don't know the name of, comes over with a knife. He cuts the ropes on me so I stand up I was too weak to fight. "Not so fast!" Says a voice we both turn around to see Captain Man and Kid Danger. "Don't stab her or else!" Kid Danger says. "Too late!" He says and stabs me in the shoulder. I fall to the floor acting like I'm dead. My eyes pop open and I gain enough strength to kick him to the floor. (A/N: if you watched the first episode of Scream Queens you know who's death this is coming from, if not it's Ariana's) I crawl away the best I can while Kid Danger and Captain Man are crime fighting. I go to the computer I had my Twitter set up to and tweet ,"Help! I'm being muderdered by a crazy phyco path! Please someone call 911!" Before I can hit 'enter' I get stabbed in the back. Everyone stopps fighting and looks at me. My arms and head fall lifeless to the ground. C'mon Ari don't die hit enter. I say in my head. I pop up again and hit 'enter' and go back down unconscious but not dead.

Kid Danger/ Henry

"No!" I scream. They killed Ari! Their gonna pay. Ray also gets mad. Now we are fighting on our rage of madness for them killing Ari. Of course we win and the crazy phyco path who killed Ari is taken to jail. The police officer checks Ari's pulse for any sign of life. "She still has a pulse, but it's not very strong. We need to get her to the hospital A.S.A.P!" She says. I pick her up and hold her. She suddenly snuggles into my chest. "I'm not dead." She whispers. "I know." I say. We get her to the hospital and she is taken back immediately. We call her dad, Charlotte, Jasper, Oliver, Sidney, Josh (who has a crush on her), Beck, (also has a crush on her),etc. they said they will all be here in a few except for her dad, straight to voicemail. And soon enough they do. Char and Jasper were the first to come. "Ray Manchester." A lady says. "That's me!" He says. "We have good news and bad news. Good news is that it went very well and is still alive, bad news is that she lost a lot of blood and has a 99.9% chance of dying. Oh my god! "Ok thank you!" He says. "So how'd your little make-out session with Ariana go?" Charlotte asks smirking. Seriously?! Now?! "Uh, good." I say.


"You did what with Ariana?!" I hear Ray yell from down the hall. Must be talking about the make-out session Char walked in on. Ha. Ow. My eyes flutter open to she a doctor in the room. He turns around and looks at me. "Oh good your awake! Would you like some visitors?" He asks. I nod. "Can you write their names down?" I nod. I get a pen, paper, and a clipboard and write out the names Ray Manchester and Henry Hart. I give it back and he says, "ok lemme go grab them."


"Henry Hart and Ray Manchester!" A doctor says. "That's us!" Ray says pointing to him and I. "Ariana wants to see you." He says. He brings us back to the room and he leaves. "Huggy!" Ariana says and holds out her arms. I go and hug her even though it probably hurts her. I got back over to Ray. "You should probably tell her now." I whisper to him. "Ok." He whispers back. "Ariana I got something to tell you." He says. "Ok shoot." " Ha that's what I said when he told me!" "Twins!" She says. "Anyways," Ray says glaring at me. "The thing I want to tell you is, I'm your biological father." He says. Her mouth drops open. "Best. News. Ever! Ow!" She says. "Ok not what I expected!" We both say at the same time. Soon after that Char, Jasper, Oliver, Sidney, Josh, and Beck come back. I hug everyone except Josh and Beck. Josh comes up and tries to kiss me but I stop him. I shake my head 'no'. "Lemme show you how it's done!" Beck says and also tries to kiss me but I do the same. "What why?" They both ask. "I have a boyfriend." I say. They both say sorry and leave. Like about four months go by and I'm finally let out of the hospital. Good to be home!

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