Chapter IX

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Ethan's POV

I opened my eyes and saw my beautiful flower next to me. She had the blankets around her chest and sleeping next to me. I kissed her and she smiled.

“Happy birthday, Ethan.” She said.


“It’s not every day my mate turns seventeen.”

“We may not be mates yet, but we are married, right?”

“Yes, when a mer-couple pronounce their love for each other, they go to the surface to mate.”

“I feel cheated now.”

“Oh, don’t worry. We’ll have that after high school.”

“Lily, when were you born?”

“I was born on the seventh day of the seventh month or July seventh up here.”

“Looks like I have a ruby.” I said pulling her closer.

“A ruby?” she asked.

“It’s your birthstone. Rubies are July’s birthstone.”

“And what are you?”

“I’m an aquamarine. I guess it fits huh?”

“Yes, it does. And you were born on the fifteenth of March, a day to beware of.” She said laughing.

            She rolled on top of me and tucked her head under my chin. We had been sneaking out to each other’s houses and had been sleeping together since the dance. She told me that it was the pull for true mates. This night was different however. Lily and I had been more intimate in our relationship, but we never went as far as removing articles of clothing. She was in a pair of panties and I was in my boxers. I then rolled her over and she giggled at my sudden motion.

“Easy tiger.” She said.

“Can’t help it, tigress. You bring out the animal in me.”

            I then kissed her neck and moved to her exposed stomach. She was moaning in pleasure as I moved back to her lips. I kissed her and she asked for admittance with her tongue. I let her in and I gained entrance to her mouth. When we finished, she asked a question I wasn’t ready for.

“Ethan, what would you like our baby’s name to be?

“No one said anything about a baby. And I thought we agreed…”

“I know, I’m just asking.”

“I don’t know. I never thought we’d be together for that long.”

“Well, we mate for life and I can only carry for you, Ethan.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means you’re the only one I can bear a child for once we mate.”

“So in order for you to have a baby, it was to be me?”

“And you only. The first one to take my innocence is the one I can bear a child for.”

“Come on, we better get dressed and get ready for the park.”

“What time does it open?”

“Ten. It’s eight now, go have your soak, I’ll get our stuff ready.”


            She then went into the bathroom and I let my eyes travel as she did.

“Take a picture it’ll last longer.” She said, before closing the door.

            I snickered as I got out of bed. I was glad my parents let us have this trip for each my birthday. The bruises and cuts on my knuckles and forehead were completely healed thanks to Mermaid Kisses. Lily told me that a mermaid’s kiss can heal any wound as mermaids were healers in Atlantis. I was glad they did. Rudis tried to sue my family for assault, but since I had no evidence of a fight on me, they were dropped. Rudis was now serving ninety days of community service for the attempted rape of Lily Siren. Her aunt and uncle weren’t happy to hear it, but we knew the cops wouldn’t suspect them.

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