Chapter 5

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We talked and Kurama said he wanted to stay in the hospital until his mother wakes up, he looked at me apologetic but I hugged him tight and said its ok and then I excused myself as I went to the comfort room. I felt sort of disappointed of course since we were just starting our day togther then something unpleasant happened but I understand and beside we can't enjoy the date even if we continue since he will be worried about his mom all the time.

After a minute I went back to the room and saw kurama holding her moms hand as she peacefully sleep. The doctor said its just exhaustion so im trying to calm kurama down. "Hey, kurama do you want some water or food? its almost 6pm" he look up to me and smiled "I'm alright but if you want you can go ahead and eat first" he suggested, I sigh "I won't eat until you do kurama" "well alright then, I'll have whatever you'll have" I ruffles his hair and nodded, I was about to leave when "Sh-shuichi?"

We both looked at her mother who just wokes up. "Mother! a-are you alright does anything hurt?" he asked worriedly as he help his mom sit up, he even put a pillow behind her to support her back so she can be comfortable. "Yes I am." she smiled lightly. I bow at her "im glad you've finally waken up Mrs. Minamino. I'll call the doctor" I volunteered, her mom and kurama nodded then I left the room and look for the doctor and so I can give them some time together.

After a couple of minutes I arrived at the room with the doctor and im glad to see kurama and his mom are laughing about something. The doctor checked her up and she seems to be perfectly good now. she just needs nice long rest.

When the doctor left, her mom looked at me "you must be, (your/name)? from the other night, Im happy that you are my son's girlfriend" My cheeks blush as I shyly smile at her "y-yes and thank you Mrs. Minamino" she giggles "call me shiori or.... perhaps mom?" her eyes sparkled to that thought while kurama and i blush even harder. "Alright um, s-shiori"

"I'm sorry that you're date has been interrupted because of me" I raise my hands up and shake my head as I give a warm smile "D-dont be sorry, we both choosed to stay here to take care of you and beside we can always go on a date some other time" I shrugged and she smiled widely as she glance at her son then back at me "I think you choose the right one, shuichi" kurama scratch the back of his head shyly. "thanks mother"

We all had some little laughs and conversation and since its 8pm kurama hugged his mom and said he will take me home, his step brother just arrived so there will be someone to look after shiori, I was shock and thankful that shiori hugged me too.

We were on his car when I raised my eyebrows at him. "um kurama?" "Yes my princess?" I rolled my eyes at him "What?" he asked acting innocent. "Where are we going? this isn't the way to my house." he tilted his head as he 'thinks' "it isn't?" he asked innocently again. I laugh out loud "Drop the innocent act. you know that its not!"

He grinned as he place his hand over mine. "relax. i've just got a surprise for you" "what? you're not yet done with your Valentine's surprise?" he nodded "Well we didn't get to do the stuff I planned so i made a new one real quick" I blush as I feel so touch once again. "um.. we didn't have to do it tonight we still have a lot of chance some other day" his face turned sad "Don't you want to spend some more time with me tonight?" he asked softly.

"No! its not like that, I just know that you're still worried about your mom and I don't want you to stress out on making up to me" I didn't noticed that the car was already parked. he took off his seat belt and kiss my forehead. "Yes I am still worried but I know that my mom is in good hands and I promise you to give you the best date. I never break a promise" I giggled as I took off my seatbelt as well. "fine. lets go then or are you going to put on a blind fold on me again?" he chuckles. "No. but if you want to" I open the door quick and hop out. "No thanks im good!"

The moon is shining brightly. we walked to the side walk and im still quite clueless to where we are going. when we reach the end and it looks like we need to make a left turn he went behind me and cover my eyes with his hands. "I thought we agreed on not doing this?" "sorry. can't help it. I love seeing your expression when you open your beautiful eyes then your eyes sparkled as they are filled with joy"

I couldn't argue with those sweet words so I just let him cover my eyes and lead the way. after a long walk.. and a long day im pretty sure I look haggard right now but my thoughts were distracted when kurama clears his throat. "We're here now, my princess"

He gently put his hands away from my eyes and rest them to my shoulders. I find myself standing inside a greenhouse. There's a lot and different kind of flowers everywhere and There's a lot of beautiful different colored butterflies flying around. at the center is a gazebo, there's some white roses attached around it. in the gazebo is a candle light dinner for two. my eyes are getting teary again but I stop my tears from falling 'we are here to have fun' just like what he said earlier.

I glance to the side and saw yusuke, kuwabara and hiei wearing a waiter uniform. they waved at us energetically except for hiei who just nod. we held each others hand then walk up to them.

"I thought you guys have a date as well?" I am confused thats why I asked."Well thanks to kurama it went pretty well but then we heard what happened to your date and so we wanted to help our friend." yusuke grinned at us. "We always knew you two will end up together the girls are happy for the both of you!" kuwabara exclaimed. "hmn, can't you two hurry up so we could get this over and done with" hiei said looking to the side. not showing any interest at all.

Kurama and I look at each other then bow and smile at them. "Thank you very much" we said in unison. I hugged the three awesome waiters as a thank you for doing this. they blushed madly especially hiei who didn't saw this one coming. kurama then lead me into the gazebo, he pull out a chair for me like a gentleman would do, I took my sit and watch as he sit across me.

The food was brought to us by yusuke. "enjoy!" he smiled too wide that I had to have a second thoughts if this food have some kind of a poison in it or worst. kurama seems to have read my face. he laugh that got my attention. "Don't worry. yusuke is just happy because him and kuwabara cooked this." I gasped in disbelief as I stare at the food and then to the boys. "No way! this looks so delicious and well prepared"

"I must say im shock as wel---" kurama got cut off by a yelling yusuke. "ENOUGH WITH THE TALK AND START EATING.TASTE IT ALREADY!" he looks very excited and nervous.
we both chuckles lightly. then did as he wished we tasted the food they made, I blink a couple of times then kurama's eyes met mine. "its surprisingly good" we said in unison again.

while eating and almost done I heard a violin playing. when I looked at our awesome waiters, I saw hiei playing the violin for us. he did it too good you would think he is a pro at this. "wow" was all I could say. a hand then appeared infront of me. kurama offering his hand "can I have this dance, (your/name)?"

I took his hand gently and stand up, he wrapped his arm around my waist while his other hand is holding my hand. we started dancing. "are you having fun?" he said with a smile. "yes! I am! you thought all of this heart melting surprise. this place is peaceful and wonderful and the guys did a huge effort with the cooking and even playing violin." "Well I couldn't have done it without their help but im glad you did"

We stop dancing, he stroke my blushing cheeks. while staring deeply into my eyes. "thats all I wanted to do, to make you smile every day." he lean forward and kissed my full pink lips deeply. we broke the kiss and look into each other's eyes smiling. "I love you kurama" I pinch his nose. "and I love you too, (your/name)" he pinch my nose too. we continued dancing enjoying each other's company.

~The end~

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