Chapter 10

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Trigger Warning. Violence.

I was walking through the lunch hall, looking for Zoe so we could go to our usual place for lunch. Hazel was queueing for food, she smiled at me when she saw me. I smiled back. A guy came up behind her and shoved her, hard. Hazel tried to ignore him but he did it again. I saw Zoe approaching me from the corner of my eye. The guy shoved Hazel again.

I stormed over to Hazel and the guy. I grabbed him by the collar and pulled. He briefly lost his balance and stumbled. Hazel had gone. Where is she? I felt a fist hit my head. I turned to see the guy getting ready to punch again. Shit, I didn't plan this. I quickly ducked, and the guy's hand skimmed the top of my head. I swung my fist at him. His nose made a deafening crack as my fist slammed into it. "Don't you fucking dare touch my sister again, understood?" I shouted in his face as I pulled at his collar again with all my strength. He tried to get away, but I refused to let go.

"I am sorry. I am sorry. I am sorry." The guy said. I eventually let go. The guy laughed and shoved me to the ground. Why can I never tell if someone is lying or not? The guy started punching me again. I stuck my legs up to kick him, one foot landed in his gut. He grunted from the impact and back off slightly. I scrambled to my feet and punched him again. His nose, once again, cracked. I landed another couple of solid punches in his face. I stopped suddenly as pain spread across my chest. He had punch my on my bruised, binded chest. Great. I started coughing violently.

He started punching me again. My face felt as if it was one fire. I am sure going to have a black eye after this. I started swinging my arms in front of me, hoping I would hit him. I felt my fist make contact with something, but I had no clue where I had hit him. I saw him hunch over. Ha, I winded him. I went to punch him again when someone jumped in front and stopped me. I saw Miss Smith guide me away whilst another teacher guided the guys away.

I started coughing again and collapsed on the ground. Miss Smith was immediately at my side, trying to help. My head rolled over and I saw Zoe comforting Hazel. They're both alright. I breathed heavily and coughed again and again, each one causing me more pain.

Everything went black.

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