C H A P T E R 4

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C H A P T E R    4


I was in a dark place when I met Gabe. I thought I’d never get out. Every day I’d walk around feeling like crying, and I did, on the inside. I hated myself. I always had, but it had gotten worse over the last few years.

‘No reason really…’

My Dad was never around to care for me, always away on holiday without me or at work till late, so I couldn’t talk to him. He seemed to want to forget me. And I understood, kind of. I was the accident, the girl that was thrust upon him. He never wanted me. But Gran died, so he had to take care of me or else I’d be put in care. And although he may not have loved me, he didn’t want that for me, he said.

‘My mum left, so I lived with my Gran…’

But because Dad was always away, I never told anyone. I never had anyone to tell. Friends at school were non-existent and I had no other family to speak of, except for some on my mothers’ side, but we lost touch with all of them after she left.

My Gran had a cancer, and died, and my Dad didn’t want me…’

So when Gabe, perfect, handsome Gabe, told me that he loved me, I believed him. When he told me that I was lucky, that no one else would, I believed him. When he said that he only wanted what was best for me by checking all my texts, I believed him. And I told myself that I loved him too, that it wasn’t an abusive relationship. Even after he first hit me.

 I shook myself slightly. ‘My Dad sent me here. He didn’t want to look after me. That’s all.’

She was about to reply when a shadow fell over us. There was a group of six boys at the gate, carrying skateboards and on bikes.

‘How moving.’ Said the one in the front. He had dark hair and hard eyes.

Leah looked up at him. ‘Sarcasm never suited you, Cam.’ She said quietly.

‘Whatever, orphan girl. At least I haven’t been crying my eyes out over mummy and daddy all day…’ Angry tears welled up in Leah’s eyes at this, and all the boys behind him laughed, and jeered.

‘Shut up, Cam. Your such a-’

‘Are you crying, Leah? Did I upset you?’ Leah gave him a stony look and then walked off inside. I stood there, shocked.

‘You bastard.’ I said, almost disbelievingly.

And the boys turned to me. But I didn’t care. I couldn’t believe they’d just done that to a grieving twelve-nearly-thirteen year old.

‘Oh, hey new girl… I was serious, your story is quite moving…’

And with that I stood up from the steps and slapped him.

‘I am a pacifist, love, so you must have done a lot to earn that.’ I paused for breath, while he stood there smirking. ‘You don’t know anything about my past. Nothing. I didn’t tell Leah everything, course I didn’t. I told her about my family issues, not about Gabe, or Clara.’

‘Gabe and Clara? Who are they? Your little friends you had to leave behind?’

‘No, Gabe is my ex-boyfriend.’

‘Same thing.’

I lifted up my top then, to reveal scar tissue and swollen bruising.

‘Not really, not when he did this to me.’

His smirk faded slightly, but shrugged, his friends strangely silent behind me.

‘And Clara? She’s my best friend. Or she was. Before she died in a car accident.’

‘Okay, poor you. Things happen. You have to deal with them.’

‘Yeah, and you’re dealing with everything amazingly. Smoking and drinking helps everything. I haven’t seen you before today, but I’ve been up three nights in a row because of your music, and smelt the smoke from outside your door when I pass it by. You might want to try hovering once in a while as well. Try fixing your own problems before you tell me to deal with mine.’

‘Who says I have problems?’ His horrid leer came back, whatever had been in his eyes moments before was gone.

‘You do, or you wouldn’t be here.’ I said coldly. I shook my head, and slumped suddenly exhausted. ‘Just leave Leah alone, okay. I’m not getting her involved with my problems, so do me a favor, and stop involving her in yours.’

‘I wasn’t involving her. I was teasing her. It was a joke.

‘It wasn’t funny. And you weren’t teasing her. You were taking out your anger on other people. Just like Gabe. I’ve seen guys like you before. And if you touch her, or anyone else, I swear to-’

‘Katy, come inside, sweetie…’ I heard Sue call from the hall.

‘Coming, Sue.’

And I gave Cam one last glare, then walked back up the steps to the house.

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