Chapter 1

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-Crystal POV-

'Hello my name is Crystal faith and I'm the youngest elven in my family of 12 older siblings and I'm only 18 million years old right now and I'm the youngest princess too. I have long golden hair that passes my butt a little, I have golden skin, bright Aqua blue eyes, my chest size is D-cup, and my height is 5 feet 8 inches tall.'

Anyways me and my father are in our carriage headed towards the leaf village where my father is great friends with the Fourth hokage and he is bringing me with him because he sees me really bored in the castle and thinks I'm losing my mind because I was talking to myself and laughing for no reason. Anyways we aren't alone we brought 4 of the strongest and trusted guards with us to protect us from harm and from bad villagers too. "Honey we are going to be at the leaf village soon and when we get there I want you to stay close to your guards alright" father asks me gently. I looked up from my favourite book and said "alright father but may I ask you something" I said and father said "thank you darling and yes you may ask away" father said "why do I need my guards close to me for is the leaf village a bad place" I ask and maybe add another question to it. "Yes and no the Hokage is a very nice and kind man and a young friend of mine but some of the villagers are very kind. But some of the villagers are very mean and bad I just don't want you to get hurt alright sweet heart" father explain and said. "Alright father" I said I then look out of the carriage window and I see the leaf village gates. I turn my head towards father "father I see the leaf village gates up ahead" I said then I look down to my book again I read two more pages then I closed my book and I looked up and I hear humans whispering about who is in the beautiful golden carriage in I think their language. Anyways it stopped where the Hokage building is our guards, my father and me put on our cloaks on to cover us up so no one can see what we look like.

(That is what their cloaks look like)

Father's guards step out first they helped father out first then my two guards stepped out then they helped me out of the carriage I lifted my dress up a little so I don't trip over my long dress. I looked up a little and see the Hokage and a lot of ninja guards surrounding him and us 'man dad was not kidding he is young' I thought "oh stand down these strangers are my old friends" the blonde hair and blue ocean eyes Hokage said. Then my father went up to the Hokage and whisper something in his ear and the Hokage nods his head yes and turns towards me slowly and my guards see this and they moved closer to me and they are ready to fight but then he turned towards father again and nods his head yes. He then starts walking up the stairs and father follows him so I guess he is not a bad guy so I followed father and the young Hokage up the stairs and into the building and up more stairs with our guards following behind us. When we finally reached the young Hokage office he opens the office door and father went in after the Hokage went in first then I went in after father and then our guards came in and stayed close to us meaning me and my father. "Darling we can take our cloaks off now it's only the Hokage and us and our guards nobody else is in the room alright" father said to me in our elven language "alright father and what did you whispered into the Hokage's ear" I said and then I asked father "nothing for you to worry about" father said. anyways father took his cloak hood off then the guards did the same thing. Then I lift my hands to my cloak hood and I lifted off my head slowly and I lift my head up high and I see the young Hokage face that has shocked and awe on his face "father does he understand us in our language" I ask father. Before he could answer something or someone bumped behind me I turned around to see what it is and I see a young man that is a little small than me "WHOA YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL" the young man said to me I blush a little to what I think he said I'm beautiful or something "thank you" I said "hey old man what language is she speaking of" the young man asks the Hokage. "My daughter is speaking our home language elven" my father said in a weird language I think it's their language "ohhh ok does she understand what we are saying right now" the young man asks "honey do you understand their language" father asks me "sorry father I can't understand what you guys are saying" I said to father "she doesn't understand what we are saying young man" father said. "Also may I ask who are you???" Father said something to the young man who looks like the Hokage  twin but younger and with whiskers on his cheeks "father I think he is the Hokage's son" I said also I turned around to face father and the Hokage again "hmm" father hum to me "hmm young friend you didn't told me at all that you have a son" my father said something again I don't understand at all while they were talking about something that I don't understand at all I walked out of the office and my guards follows me I put my cloak hood up and my guards follow my action. Anyways me and my guards started walking around but in the shadows so the humans don't see us anyways I stopped jumping in the shadows and I see the Hokage's son talking to three younger kids and the kid in the middle has a very long aqua scarf "you two stay up here in the shadows I will call you when I'm in trouble understand" I said in my elven language "yes your highness" they said at the same time and they bowed to me. Anyways I jumped down softly and quietly at the same time anyways I start walking to the Hokage's son when I was right behind him I poked his left shoulder gentle and he jumped like 10 feet in the air "eeeek" he screamed like a little girl and the three younger kids notice me and asks me something in their language but I shook my head and I lift my cloak hood off and my golden hair fell out of my cloak hood and the younger boys faces are turning red "are you two alright" I said bending down and checking if they have a small fever or something.

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