Chapter 9: Screaming

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A woman screaming…

That’s all I could hear; from where it was coming I couldn’t tell. My legs carried me far from the castle, but I could still hear the screaming. It was a blood curdling scream, yet you could hear the pain of sadness beneath. 

I awoke with tears streaming down my face and sweat dripping down my neck and back. My short, shallow breaths were all that told me I was awake. My mind replayed that dream over and over again, only I knew it wasn’t a dream but a memory.

It’s been three years since the Second Wizarding War, yet my mind plays it as if it were only yesterday. I wasn’t suppose to be there that day. I went to talk to Professor McGonagall about studying under her to maybe one day take over as Transfigurations teacher. As we talked she seemed distracted, almost worried. She had mentioned the school was not was it used to be. We talked for what seemed to be only a short while, when in reality the conversation went for hours. Late in the evening the new Headmaster, Snape, then called everyone to the Great Hall. McGonagall told me to wait in her office as she went to see what he wanted. Moments later I heard a voice then a piercing noise that made me scream out in pain. Once the pain was over I walked outside and saw them; the Death Eaters. I knew I had to get out of Hogwarts and to a safe place. I went towards the Great Hall knowing I would find someone. As I walked I found three young children huddling together. If there was going to be a fight these children needed to get out of here. I grabbed them and headed to Dumbledore’s office. I knew he had a working Floo Powder system in there. Along the way I picked up more children. I told the children how to use the Powder and sent them to their homes where it was safe. Once the children were safe I ran out the doors looking for a way to get outside. Hogwarts was in complete ruins by the time I managed to get out. I saw an empty area to the black forest and made a run for it. I didn’t know what I was doing, but I knew I had to run. Half way to the forest was when the screaming began. I remember feeling pain, then seeing a pair of gorgeous green eyes, then nothing. I woke up four days later in the hospital. 

"I now know where I've seen his eyes before..."

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