Chapter 17: Another Lockhart

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Classes were going great. I only had to send one kid to the Hospital Wing! It was kind of funny after the initial shock. He insulted a girl and she turned him into a watch. I was able to turn him back, but he kept ticking instead of talking.

After classes were over it was time for the Dueling Club. I changed into some jeans and a shirt to make it easier to maneuver around. I walked into the room seeing Neville already there.

“Hey Neville!” I smiled at him.

“Hey Isabella, you ready for this?” He asked.

“Yeah I guess so.” I looked across the room to see a man looking cocky as ever. He walked to the center of the raised panel. 

“Hello students to a new year in our little Dueling Club. Last year you all worked so hard and this year you will only improve! You may almost become a good as me, but no pressure.” He flashed a perfect smile at everyone.

“Doesn’t he remind you of…”

“Gilderoy Lockhart?” Neville finished my sentence. “Yeah, but he’s never written books or is famous in any way. He just has his head up his ass.”

“I, Professor Leo Thomson, will help you achieve a better understanding of how to duel!” He reminded me of Lockhart, just not in looks. He had jet black hair that he slicked back, and green eyes that were almost blue. “Now! Which one of our teachers would like to help demonstrate?”

I should have looked around me sooner. Everyone else scooted back and made it look like I stepped forward.

“Ah! Our newest addition to the staff!” He smiled down at me. “Don’t worry I’ll go easy.”

I looked back a Neville and he gave me an ‘I’m Sorry’ face. I walked up the stairs and walked to the middle. I raised my wand in front on my face just as he did. We bowed to each other and walked to our separate sides.

“Don’t worry you’ll still have your pretty face intact when I’m finished with you.” He gave me a wink as I pointed my wand at him. “One…. Two…. Three! Expelliarmus!

I blocked his spell without a word. Something I picked up from McGonagall my sixth year. The kids gasped in shock at my defense.

Stupefy!” I hit him square in the chest and he flew off the stage. He jumped right back to his feet.

Colloshoo!” Immediately my feet were stuck to the ground. He had a stupid smirk on his face that I wanted to rub off.

Densaugeo!” It hit him square in the face and his teeth grew to a horrid size.

Herbivicus!” Flowers started sprouting from my ears. Great. This had to end, now.

Petrificus Totalus!” He tensed up and hit the floor. 

Students began cheering as I unglued my feet and fixed my flowery ears. I decided to just leave him there as I fixed myself. Once I finished I walked over to him and fixed him up. He seemed a little embarrassed, but I didn’t care.

“You see what happens when you let your guard down? I could have easily took her down if she hadn’t disarmed my spell the way she did.” He looked over his shoulders at me with a glare. All I could do was roll my eyes. “Now who’s ready to give it a go?”

Students began pairing up and performing innocent spells so not to get hurt. Little by little Thomson got closer to me. Finally he cornered me and I had no choice but to talk.

“You were pretty good out there.” He said nonchalantly.

“Thanks, you weren’t too bad yourself.” I didn’t make eye contact with him, but he stared at me without blinking.

“Thank you! I’ve worked hard to get my spells correct!” He looked proud of himself.

“That’s cool. DUCK!” I screamed as a spell shot above my head.

“Haha These kids!” Wow he just wouldn’t go away. “Oh look at the time!” He looked up from his watch. “Alright everyone! That’s enough for this week! I’ll see you all next Wednesday at the same time!”

As students poured out Thomson just got closer. I think my face was giving away my annoyance, because Neville jumped right in.

“Hey it’s getting late! Let’s get some rest for tomorrow.” He grabbed me and headed out the room.

“Thanks for that Neville.” 

“Anytime.” He said as we walked to our secret door. “Thomson thinks he knows everything and has tried to hook up with every other female teacher here. Most fall for it, but you’re not dense, and you have Charlie.”

“Yes sir!” We walked to the chimney and he gestured for me to go home first. “I’ll see you tomorrow Neville!” 


The house was quiet. Charlie probably wouldn’t get home until really late. I jumped in the shower and let the water relax me. When I got out Charlie was laying on the bed fast asleep. I removed his shoes and planted a kiss on his forehead. I was finishing getting ready for bed when I had an eerie feeling; almost as if someone was watching me. 

A Fiery Love: A Charlie Weasley Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now