Chapter 20: Not Ready

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The pearl on my bracelet turned an icy blue as I stared out the window watching kids play in the snow. Winter break was in a few days and Charlie and I were planning on spending it at the Burrow along with everyone else. The Weasley family seemed to be growing and growing. Everyone seem to have someone, even Percy has said he’s been talking to a girl and that he invited her for Christmas morning breakfast.

My thoughts were interrupted when someone walked into my classroom. 

“Hey.” His voice sounded tired, but happy at the same time.

“Hi.” I smiled as Draco walked towards me.

“This was my desk.” He walked to the farthest chair to the right in the third row. “I used throw things at people and from this chair you could pretty much hit anyone!” I cracked a really big smile as he recalled his memories.

“I used to sit here.” I walked over to the chair in the middle of the second row. “Kids used to distract me when I sat anywhere else. Ced used to tease me and call me a nerd.” I could still hear Cedric running down the hall calling me a nerd while I chased after him.

“Well you were kind of a nerd.” He laughed. “Why weren’t you in Ravenclaw? I mean you were so smart!”

“The Sorting Hat said I was too kind and loyal to be in Ravenclaw, so I was put in Hufflepuff.” For some reason I looked down at my chest expecting to see my Hufflepuff emblem. 

“You are loyal; you stuck by that guy for so long even though he didn’t deserve you.” I had heard this before. Back in my sixth year when I was helping Draco out in Transfiguration.

“He was a good guy up until the end. Then he… changed.” Sebastian started yelling at me over every little thing. Even though Cedric was gone he still would say that I compared him to Ced. 

“That Diggory kid loved you, you know that right?” He looked me in the eye. Of course I knew that, everybody knew that. 

“Cedric was my second friend here, but he was so popular and I was just that nerdy kid.” Though he was in my year we hardly ever talked. One day I ran into Cedric while going up the stairs. I almost fell over but he caught me. After that we became friends. I guess you could say I was always torn between the two; my closest friend and my boyfriend.

“Any guy would have killed to be with you.” He smiled at me.

“Yeah but you didn’t see me through my awkward stage. I was an ugly little kid!” I laughed remembering my glasses and my crazy hair. “Draco what are you doing here anyway? Not that I mind!”

“I… um…well I…” He stuttered for a while then chuckled. “Ok, I just came to see you. I wanted to check if you were ok, you know with the whole father thing?”

“Oh! Well I haven’t…”

“Oh.” He stared down at his feet. “You probably think I’m some kind of creep just showing up here.”

“Nah, it was a nice gesture. Thanks.” I gave him a small smile.

He got up from the desk and moved to one that was closer to me. I looked into his grey eyes and remember the first time I actually talked to him.

The library was pretty empty, only a few people were there. I heard a funny noise behind one of the bookshelves. I walked to see a small boy tearing up paper and throwing it across from him.

“I’m never going to get this!” He sighed.

“You ok?” He was shocked to see me standing there.

“No! I mean yes! I mean… I’m just having a hard time with this stupid spell!” He looked a the book in front of him.

“The whistle into the watch and back spell?” I asked looking at the page.

“Yeah, what’s it to you?” He snapped.

“Nothing. Bye.” I began walking away.

“No, wait.” He stopped me. “I really want to get this. I need to get my marks up in that class.” I walked over an sat on the table.

“The trick to this one is to be completely focused. Think about the ticking of a clock and the shape of a pocket watch.” 

He looked at the whistle and studied it hard. He said the spell and it changed into a watch.

“I did it!” He smiled up at me.

“See not so hard now is it?”

After that day I began helping him and not just in Transfiguration, but other classes he has a hard time with. He was a pretty ok kid, until he hung out with his friends then he became a butt face!

“You really helped me out those two years.” He smiled.

“It wasn’t a problem. I like helping people out.”  

“I should be going. Have a great break, and I hope things go well with your dad, when you’re ready of course.” He was so different. He’s matured a lot since we were in school.

“Merry Christmas Draco.” I smiled as he left.

“Happy Christmas to you too.” 

He left my class, but not before looking back at me and giving a half smile. I think there might have been more to him visiting than just checking up on me.

Charlie was home when I got back. He was in the bathroom taking care of a new burn. He never really liked to use magic to fix him up. He liked his ‘battle scars’ as he called them.

“Charlie, I don’t know why you won’t just let me fix you up.” He looked over his shoulder and stuck his tongue out at me.

“Don’t worry about me.” He started to get a concerned look. “Is everything ok with you?”

I explained what had happened earlier with Draco, but I kept getting off track talking about Sebastian and Cedric. Charlie didn’t mind though, he liked hearing about my life and the things that happened.

“Do you think he knows something about your father? He seems worried about it.” Asked Charlie.

“He probably does, but I-I don’t know if I’m ready for the truth just yet.”

A Fiery Love: A Charlie Weasley Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now