Chapter 12: Oh Shit

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Charlie’s POV

Oh shit… I don’t think I should have asked that. Now she’s just looking at me like I have an ear on my forehead. She’s been freaking out all day and now I throw this on top! What was I thinking? She’s not…

“Yeah!” She smiled. “Why not?”

Holy crap she said she’d stay with me! I gave her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. I had a lot to do if she was going to move in here in two weeks! I had to make room for her in the closet, the bathroom, make sure to get food she liked!

“On one condition.” She said.


“You meet my mom.”

I’ve never met a girls parents before, but then again I’ve never lived with one before either! Ginny and Mum didn’t count. Izzy was a girl I’d only known a while I couldn’t be all stupid with her!

We decided to wait one more week before talking to her mother. Her mom’s probably going to beat me with a stick when she finds out Izzy is staying with me in Romania. 

As the week progressed along it seemed Izzy’s dreams had stopped. She went back to being her bubbly self again. Baby seemed to be doing better as well. I guess seeing Izzy like that upset him as well. Izzy spent most of her time trying to interact with the bigger dragons and that caused her to get burned a few times and bit by a smaller one. She never complained about it she just tried again and again.

On Friday she decided to get even braver and actually touch one and maybe even sit on it! I stayed within a few feet just in case something was to happen. She inched her way to our largest Welsh Green, Daisy, with her hand extended. Daisy looked pissed at first, but saw Izzy wasn’t going to hurt her. Izzy’s face glowed with pride. Now Izzy was going to try and sit on her. Daisy eyed her as she walked to the side. Smoke began to rise through Daisy’s nostrils.

“Izzy, I don’t think she wants you to…” But it was too late Izzy jumped on Daisy’s back. Daisy let out a roar, but quickly settled down. “Wow! Let’s see if she’ll take off with you on her.”

I grabbed a piece of meat out of the bucket sitting next to me and lured Daisy out of the arena. Izzy looked terrified, but wanted to try.

Izzy’s POV

Oh Good Lord! What was I thinking? I can’t believe I’m on her back and going to try and ride her! Charlie watched me the entire time he was luring her outside.

“Alright Izzy hold tight!” He yelled.

Daisy let out a small noise then began walking past Charlie wings outstretched. We began picking up speed then slowly rose off the ground. Daisy went higher and higher until we were gliding across the sky. The wind in my face and the feeling of freedom over took me. I let go of Daisy and put my arms to the side like a bird. I never wanted this feeling to end!

Daisy began to lower her altitude until we were back on the ground. Charlie threw her a big piece of meat and she walked back into the arena herself. I slid off her and landed square on my butt.

“That was amazing!” All the adrenaline was still pumping through me.

“You were brilliant!” He smiled and picked me off the ground.

“What do you think this is? A Muggle amusement park?” Yelled an angry voice.

We turned to see a dark haired man running towards us.

“Relax Joe, she was with me the whole time.” Charlie said.

“Charlie you know that’s extremely dangerous!” Joe responded. “She could have gotten hurt you Dumbass!!”

“She was safe with me you Tosser! You think I would let her get hurt?” Charlie was getting upset.

“She already has!” Joe said referring to my burns. “It’s one thing for us to be this close to them because we’re trained she’s just here to observe and stay out of the way! You would do well to remember that Charles!”

Joe turned and walked towards the building.

“He’s a fucking prick!” said Charlie. “When we started out together he was the one trying to ride dragons and act all badass!”

“Don’t worry Charlie, he was just looking out for my safety!” I tried to calm him down.

“And you didn’t think I wasn’t?” He snapped back.

“I’m not saying that! He just was worried!” I couldn’t believe he was getting mad at me. “Just cause you’re mad don’t take it out on me!”

I began to walk away when Charlie grabbed my arm.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have acted that way. I know he was just worried. He’s been this way since one of our new guys tired to ride our Horntail and got himself killed instead. They pinned the whole thing on Joe when it was really that guys fault.” Charlie looked in the direction that Joe went. “Listen, why don’t you go inside and take care of Baby while I finish feeding them out here.”

Without letting me answer he walked away from me and picked up a bucket a few feet from where we were. I walked in the building and walked to where Baby was. He was getting bigger everyday, and soon they would put him with the rest of the dragons. They said I could be the one to introduce him to the others. Maybe Daisy would take care of him?

After a while Charlie finally came back with an upset look.

“Alright Izzy, you should go home and get some rest. I need to go and pick up some abandoned Dragons eggs in Northern Ireland.” And with that he left.

Charlie’s POV

After I picked up the eggs I decided to go to the bar and have a few drinks. My mind was so cluttered with things and I needed to be alone.

What happened today shouldn’t have happened. I know what we are and aren’t suppose to do, and as a professional I shouldn’t have let her go near Daisy. Izzy was blocking my better judgment and I was just doing things to make her happy. I was so used to throwing myself into my work that I didn’t know how to balance a relationship along with it.

One thing was for sure; I couldn’t be so soft with her anymore. At least not at work.

A Fiery Love: A Charlie Weasley Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now