The Beginning- 1

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"Yup! The band is on tour with One Direction, they leave I think today?"

"Oh my gosh. I have to go."

~~~ Beginning of school~~~~

"How does this look?" I asked as I held my red plaid shirt up and looked in the mirror.

"I don't know... What are you going to wear with it? Just plaid?" My best friend Mason asked.

"Well maybe with an army cut shirt, then wrap this around my waist, black jeans, and then my sk8-high tops?" I added while wrapping the shirt around my waist.

"Yeah. I think that will look good. Can you believe that we are juniors?!" She asked.

"Yeah. I can't! I'm so happy that we finally are. I can't wait till I can LEAVE AUSTRALIA!" I laughed and sat in my bean bag chair.

"HEY RILEY WE ARE GONNA ORDER PIZZA OKAY?" My mom yelled from downstairs.

"YEAH MOM THATS FINE!" I yelled back.

I grabbed my iPhone 6 and went on Twitter.

"Oh my gosh. You won't believe who followed me on Twitter." I asked Mason and rolled my eyes.

"Ummm... Scott?" She laughed.

"No my brother did not follow me on Twitter. I don't know what you see in him anyways." I laughed.

"Calum followed me ew."

"I think Calum's hot!"

"Mason you disgust me." I laughed.

We laughed and then started gossiping about school and how different it's gonna be this year.

"Riley can you come here please!" My mom yelled.

"C'mon Mas!" I said while I grabbed her hand.

"Don't call me that EVER again!" She took her arm away and punch me in the shoulder.

"Yeah mom?" I walked into our HUGE kitchen to see my mom baking for some event.

"I need you to pick up the pizza and don't forget she's gotta go home tomorrow! Moms rule not mine!" Mason just lives down the block so I usually take her home.

"Yeah yeah home by 12."

"No she's gotta be home earlier you need to help me bake for the event, so she's gotta be home by 9." Mom said. I guess this event must be real special.

"That's super early but yes ma'am!" I laughed and grabbed the keys.

I got my wallet and headed into the theater room searching for Mason.

"Have you've seen Mason? This house is so big I lose her all the time." I asked my brother Andrew.

I have 3 brothers, Scott, who's the oldest, he's a senior and a ladies man. He's 6'2 and he has brown hair and blue eyes which he gets from my mom.Then there's me, a sporty, nerdy, geek who loves music and playing the drums. Yeah I know it sounds lame but eh. I'm 5'6 with long brown curly/wavy hair and beautiful green eyes, if I do say so myself. I play, soccer, basketball, softball, volleyball, rugby, and I do a little bit of surfing.

Next is my brother Andrew, he's in 7th grade and a loser. He has brown hair of course, and blue eyes like Scott. He's really into video games. He gets along with Scott and we don't get along at all.

Then comes the best little brother I can ask for. Harrison, he's only in second grade but we get along so well. He's so adorable and little and he's just my favorite. He has green eyes and brown hair. He lost his two front teeth and he is just adorable.

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