Chapter 18

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When I had finally managed to move Will closer to Gisbourne I then set out to work on tending to both.

Will's ankle was swollen to the size of a a small potato. I felt around and his face squished up in pain.

"Sorry, but good news it's not broken," I tried to say as comfortingly as possible.

"Well that's good," he replied chuckling slightly.

I watched as he squished his eyes shut and let his head fall back against the tree I had propped him against.

"I'll be back in a minute," I said as I got up to tend to Gisbourne.

"Why are you going to help him?" Will asked me earnestly.

"He deserves a chance to live too," I replied, as I studied Gisbourne, trying to find whatever was wrong with him.

"But he's evil," Will protested.

"He's still a living being," I replied soothingly.

Will went silent and I could feel his eyes watching my every move as I poked at Gisbourne.

There was not a single scratch on Gisbourne which confused me. I scrunched up my face and cocked my head to the side, unsure of what was happening.

"Is he alright?" Will asked.

"I don't know, I can't find anything wrong with him," I replied as I leaned in to listen for a heart beat.

To my great relief I heard his heart beating. I began to pull away but suddenly felt myself being pulled back.

"Where am I?" Gisbourne asked confused.

"In the forest," I replied.

"Melody? How did I? What happened?" He asked.

"You were fighting off some men that attacked us," I replied as I eyed him curiously.

"I don't remember. I can't remember. I..."

"Shh. You need to rest," I said calmly even though inside I was panicking like crazy.

"I'm going to make a fire, don't move. Either of you," I added sternly.

I started to work on the fire. Unable to get it to light I allowed Will to assist me.  After a few more minutes of trying he successfully got it to spark and soon enough the pile of sticks was ablaze. I shivered finally realizing that I was cold.

"Oi, come ere," Will said gently.

I gladly say down by him and allowed him to pull me into his body. I rested my head on his chest and sighed deeply. I felt his hand gently running its fingers through my dark brown hair. I inhaled his scent and relaxed more and more each time. At last I felt sleep overtake me. I let one deep breath in and then exhaled it, my eyes closing in unison.

The warmth of the fire and Will's body brought me comfort and I once again felt peaceful and safe.


The next morning I woke slowly. I allowed my eyes to flutter open and close a few times before finally opening them completely.

I stared lazily at the sideways view of the woods. That's when I realized my head wasn't resting on the ground, but the chest of Will.

I carefully turned myself over so that I was facing him. His eyes were still closed and his breathing was slow and tranquil. I smiled in spite of myself and continued to stare at him until I remembered that Gisbourne was laying somewhere nearby.

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