Chapter 20

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It was now the morning I was supposed to go back to Nottingham and be Robin's eyes and ears. Every step I made towards the castle was heavy and too quick for comfort.

Nottingham, the name made me shudder as I stumbled along, completely safe, for Robin and his men were following me at a safe distance hidden by the cover of the trees should I need their assistance.

My dress was torn, dirty, and my face had been purposely cut to make it look more like I had escaped. My hair was also a tangled mess with leaves and twigs stuck in it. That's what I get for rolling down the hill in the woods three times.

As I continued to trudge along I finally hit the edge of the wood. Without looking back I hiked up my tattered dress and as proudly as possible, marched right out of the woods and onto the path towards Nottingham.


Upon arrival I was laughed at by the guard and then dragged by my hair to the courtyard of Nottingham castle where luckily for me Gisbourne was training. When he spotted me and the guard dragging me by my hair he rushed over knocked the guy down and started screaming and swearing at 100 miles an hour. I nearly died of laughter at the guards expense. And it was safe to say the mushrooms had finally worn off of Gisbourne for he was his cruel self once more.

When he finally finished his tirade at the guard and had him locked in the dungeon he turned his attention to me. His eyes scanned my appearance and I felt my face red as I realized I really did not look presentable at all.

"Um," I started but did not know how to finish.

"We should go tell the Sheriff you're back," Gisbourne said, breaking the awkward silence between us.

For once I did not argue, I had to get out of the rags I was wearing and clean myself up a bit.

The courtroom was dimly lit and heavily filled with smoke. The Sheriff sat obediently next to Prince John who was busy amusing himself by staring at some serving girls breasts every time she bent down to pour him another glass of wine. What an alcoholic.

"She's back," Gisbourne announced suddenly, causing the entire room to fall silent.

All eyes turned to me so I clumsily worked my way over to where the Sheriff and my "father" sat.

"Well, well, well, look who came back," the Sheriff sneered.

"Ahhhh daughter. Welcome back. You must tell me how you got back," John said, drunk.

So I began my tale that the outlaws and I had concocted and by the time I was done the Sheriff was practically asleep on the floor but John soaked up every word despite his drunken state. He then promptly passed out.

Eager to leave, I hastily made my way out of the room and headed towards where my room was. I heard the heavy footsteps of Gisbourne come from behind me and whirled around to face him.

"Can I help you with something sir?"


"Then please stop following me."

"I can't. I have been assigned to watch you, remember?"

"Fine, but stay here, I need some privacy," I said as we stopped outside of my door.

"Alright," Gisbourne replied as he crossed his arms and leaned against the wall in his familiar manner.

I rolled my eyes and slammed the door, locking it behind me.

As I studied my room I found nothing had changed, good. I then proceeded over to the wash basin to find cold water in the pitcher. Too desperate to care I dumped it in the bowl and began to scrub the dirt off my hands and face.

Once I had cleaned my face and arms I went over to the wardrobe to find something to wear. No pants, of course. So I picked the simplest dress I could find. Satisfied, I proceeded to untangle the woods from my hair.

A few hours later I was more or less presentable. I still smelt like dirt, but that couldn't be helped until I had a nice hot bath which wouldn't be until I decided to allow the maids to come assist me.

Content I went over to a bookcase grabbed a book, blew off the dust, and sat down in the plush velvet chair that overlooked the courtyard.


I awoke to the sound of pounding on the door.

"Milady?! May I come in?" Gisbourne's voice boomed through the door.

I groaned and ignored him. That's when the door opened with a bang.

"Was that really necessary?!" I asked, still half asleep as Gisbourne strode into the room.

"Yes. I had to make sure you were alright," he replied.

"I'm fine, I was sleeping."

"My apologies."

I didn't respond but closed my eyes once more.

"Dinner is served Milady. I have been instructed to escort you down," Gisbourne persisted.

"Fine," I groaned as I opened my eyes and prepared to stand up.

"Let's go," I said as I made for the door.

Gisbourne held out his arm and I hesitantly took it.

As we walked down to the dining hall I thought over my priorities. Get information and then somehow smuggle it to Robin. How hard could it be?

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