Chapter 33

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I sucked in my breath as the drums began to sound. The executioner made his way to the platform with the prisoner, a bag covering his head. The Sheriff made his announcement that his men had apprehended the great Robin Hood and it was his great pleasure to hang the outlaw for his many crimes. He waved for the bag to be removed and sure enough, Robin was standing there on the platform. The crowd gasped and went silent. I stole a glance at Marion who was biting her lip. The Sheriff asked Robin if he had any last words and then changed his mind and said he didn't care. My father's face lit up with fascination and I felt my blood boil.

The noose was placed around Robin's neck and the executioner went over to the lever, awaiting his command. I felt Little John behind me.

"Ready?" he asked me, sounding very sad.

"Yes," I replied.

The Sheriff was getting ready to give the order when an arrow shot by Nasir broke the rope hanging over the beam.

"Who did that?!" The Sheriff squealed. Everything moved fast from there.

While Nasir, Will, and Allan dealt with guards near them, Tuck who had snuck to the platform untied Robin and gave him a weapon. They began to fight their way.

"Archers!" Gisbourne screamed and I knew the dreaded time had come.

I felt John grab me and scream as angrily and loudly as he could, "do you want her to die?"

The archers who had amassed along the battlements were halted by Gisbourne and all eyes went towards where I was standing with Little John's quarter staff to my throat. The fear on my face was real, but not for the reasons that were probably running through the monsters' heads.

"STOP!" Prince John yelled, his attention on me and Little John.

"We go free and unharmed and she lives," Little John demanded.

"Sir, he won't hurt her. I know these outlaws," Gisbourne burst in.

"Won't I?" Little John responded, tightening the hold on my throat causing me to clearly gasp for air. I clawed at the bow staff, trying to remove it but it was futile. Gisbourne's face fell slightly, the realization that he might not be reading the situation correctly hitting him.

"Stop!" Prince John yelled again.

We all watched as Prince John began to scowl. Through gritted teeth he demanded Little John let me go. Little John responded only if his terms were met.

"Very well, fine!" My father agreed. The Sheriff tried to protest but my father ensured him they would catch the outlaws another day, but he was not going to risk me not existing for another day. The Sheriff shot a look of pure hatred at me.

Little John still hanging onto me began backing towards the gate. The other members followed until they were grouped up. Gisbourne had made his way through the crowd, sword drawn towards us. Little John threw me at Gisbourne and Robin with one graceful motion cut the rope to the gate, brining it crashing down, separating the guards from all of them. I sat on the ground, rubbing my throat gasping for air. I watched as the ran off and felt relief settling over me. Gisbourne who had recovered was shouting orders to get the gate lifted. Things were a bit hazy as dust was kicked up. I coughed and gasped more and then suddenly felt to hands lifting me and carrying me away from the gate towards the castle. Through my desperate inhales of air I managed to look up to see Gisbourne looking at me. I had never seen him look at me like this before. Was there a hint of concern? I didn't have time to pin point it for my father was soon next to me shouting curse words at every man in the courtyard ordering someone to be held responsible for it all and killed.

Marion followed Gisbourne who was still carrying me.

"I can walk now," I gasped out.

"Sure you can," he chuckled, shaking his head at what he deemed silly remark.

"Here lay her down here," Marion said to Gisbourne, while moving pillows off my bed. "I'll watch her. You go take care of the mayhem down there," Marion said to him, putting her hand on his arm.

"Very well," he replied, glancing back at me once more before leaving.

Marion listened for his retreating steps and then drew the lock across my door. She came over to my side and kneeled.

"Thank you for saving him."

"Please Marion, don't thank me," I responded, with a laugh and a cough immediately following it.

"Are you alright?" She asked me.

"Yeah. Little John just had a slightly tighter grip than I was expecting," I grinned.

"Well, Robin's safe..." she glanced at me sadly.

"Marion, it's alright. I am fine. I will be fine."

"It's more Will I am worried about."

"It's okay. He agreed to this plan... after a bit of convincing," I responded.

She nods her head, but I can tell she's lost in thought somewhere else.


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