Locker Room Injuries

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"Come on you have to agree that's a little over the top isn't it?" I rushed. "That is my brother out there. Plus, he's already down."
I was getting nervous, I could sense Gokus energy going down.
"Y-yah! Vegeta needs to chill." Krillin whined.
I stepped past the door frame and cupped my hands around my mouth.
"Vegeta! If you KILL my brother, so help me Kame I will KICK your ASS! Now that's enough don't you think?! He's down!!"
The prince turned to me with a slight irritated blush and stepped away. He reached downward and pulled my brother from the concrete.
"And it looks like Goku is done! Vegeta has won this round but can he defeat Mr. Satan in the finals?" The announcer boomed.
I laughed, that Mr. Satan guy was a total facade. No way Hercule could handle that Saiyan.
Gohan was next, and he was fighting "Tri-clops" as Vegeta liked to call him. But I didn't feel like watching so I wandered over the locker room to find Goku and the short jerk. I guess my brother was busy because Vegeta was the only person I recognized.
He was reaching for a spot on his back that he apparently didn't have the lengthy arms to reach, or maybe all that muscle does have a downside.
"Need help?" I asked casually.
He turned, surprised,"This is the men's locker room! What are you doing in here?!" He exclaimed.
I shrugged,"and? Do you need help or not, Vegeta?"
He blushed angrily, turning away he nodded slightly. Such a prideful asshole. Why can't he just accept the fact he needs help?
I took the wipes he had and pulled down the back of his shirt to the spot he was reaching. I was surprised to find a huge gash in his back that was bleeding profusely.
"Ve-vegeta! What the hell? I didn't even see that happen in the fight! Ouch dude!"
"Shut up and clean it will you!" He demanded.
"Not with that attitude I won't."
He sighed, "fine. Will you please fix it for me? I may need stitches."
I smiled, "there. That wasn't so hard was it?"
He growled some curses but then yelped as the alcohol doused wipe touched the gash.
"Kame! Ow! What-what's on that thing?!"
"It's okay.  It'll feel better in a little bit don't worry. I'm gonna need a bandage and a wrap though. Do you have any of that?"
He nodded painfully, handing me the cloths. Once I was done he turned around on the bench and smirked.
"Thanks" he said. He started to get up, but is stopped him.
"Hey. When are we going home?"
He thought for a moment. "Well considering my knowledge of Kakarot and some things he's told me today, we will probably be going up to the lookout. We might even stay there.
The namekian, Dende says there is a great amount of evil brewing and it would be safer if we all stayed there."
"So we aren't going to capsule corp" I suggested, slightly irritated.
"We will, but only to get provisions. Then we leave for the lookout. Do you understand?"
I nodded. I sort of understood, does this mean I would get to fight alongside the powerful yet unknown z fighters?

Vegeta, meet Goku's sister ;)Where stories live. Discover now