Chapter Fifthteen

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Harry's P.O.V
The boys were downstairs looking for Ellie. We had to get her. I told them last night that she knew we were in a gang and I had killed someone, and they demanded we get her.
    My phone buzzes. I look at the screen and it said help now! And it was from Ellie. I turned off my phone and continue  to look for her. I like her, I really do. Wait, no I don't, I don't like anyone. I can't be nice to her anymore, cause the boys think I hate her guts. They also do.
      After I had tried her bedroom door, it was locked."Shit, she's in here I got her!" I yelled. They all ran up stairs and helped me bust down her door. I looked around for her but she wasn't in sight. The closet. I wiggle the door knob on the closet and it was locked. I kick it in making the boys run into the room. I looked at her and she was crying bad. She looks up.

"Harry?" She said.
Ellie's P.O.V
When I say his name, harry grabs me by my arms and pushes me out the closet. I trip and fall into someone's arms. They wrap tightly around me. I look up and see Zayn." Let me go!" I yell and try to run, but his grip get tighter. Great."Can't do that." Said Liam, from what I can tell."God damn it let me go right now! Or I swear to fucking god I will tell on you and I will kill you!" I screamed and jumped to get out of Zayn's arms but he put my feet back on the floor. Harry walks over to me. He was angry. He pulls me from Zayn and pins me to a wall. Why was Harry being so mean? He was so nice and sweet just yesterday, what happened to him? I thought we had a connection. He pushed me and my head hits the wall. His hands go to my throat and he starts to press. My eyes widen and I couldn't breathe." Harry stop please! Your hurting me!" I choked out. After five seconds of suffocating me, he lets me go and I fall to the floor. I coughed a lot and puts my hands on my throat." Your a crazy bitch!" I yelled. Harry put tape  over my mouth and with me struggling, he tied me up. Louis picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. They all stood around Louis hiding me as we walked out side to the black van."help!help!" I screamed, but the tape shut me up. "Shut her up, make her stop trying to scream!" Said Harry. Zayn pulled out a gun and put it to my head. My eyes widen and I stopped trying to scream. Louis threw me into the van and Zayn, Liam, and Niall hoped in the back with me. Harry and Louis say up front. The van didn't have seats. I was in the floor and the rest sat next to me. Niall removes the tape off my mouth. I start to breathe heavily. I sit up and press my back against the seat." Why are you doing this." I say with my head hung down." Because your might tell someone." Snapped Louis. He wants to be that way, fine. I can be a bitch to." Harry." I spoke softly. He didn't move in his seat." I know who you killed." I say. Louis stops the van and everyone was staring at me. Even Harry." You don't know shit." Said Zayn. " his name was Kyle." I said. I have a perfect plan. There so going to believe me. I was lying, but they didn't know that." How do you know his name." Said Liam looking at Harry." Cause I'm apart of his gang." I say.
Louis's P.O.V
She's in his gang. I start to breathe heavily. Harry looks at me and he sees that I'm angry. That gang killed my girlfriend. She's the reason why he's dead." You bitch!" I yell and I shove back there and start to punch Ellie. She can't do anything cause she's tied up. Over and over and over again. I couldn't stop. I just couldn't. I feel hands on me trying to get me off  her but it didn't work. Finally, I get pulled back and got thrown on the van floor. Niall was helping Ellie. He pulled her up but she fell back down. He cut her free and wrapped her arms around his neck, trying to get her up. Niall lifts Ellie up and she fell again. She can't even stand up. Harry and Zayn are holding me back and Liam gets in the front seat and starts to drive to our mansion that we lived together in. The house beside Ellie was just a vacation home. "I'm so sorry, please, get me out of this pain, kill me already, please." Said Ellie. Her face had blood all over it and when I kicked her in her stomach, I heard something crack."please." She begged. But Niall gave her a shot and made her pass out.

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