Chapter Thirty Five

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Harry's POV
Two weeks later.

I was a walking zombie. I couldn't handle it. I drunk every night. And when I say every, I mean every night.

She was dead.

My heart and soul was gone.

Louis hasn't talked to me sense I was in the hospital.

I bought Ellie's old house that went up for sale and kept every thing in it as she left it.

I was so messed up. I called her phone.
I dialed her number and it went straight to voicemail.

Please leave a message after the beep.


I sighed, running a hand through my hair and opened my mouth.

"Ellie, you have no idea how much I love you, I hate being in fights with you. It tears me up. I'm so sorry that I never got to show you my feelings. I can't imagine life without you, I honestly can't. I love you so so so much. And I hope you know that, I really do. I know I over react, and I'm sorry for taking that out on you. But what really got me, is that when you died, I don't want to accept it, I keep calling your phone, but all I get is a voicemail. Every day I'll go up to Lake Conosaga where I spread your ashes at and place a jar of tea in a Mason's jar bottle and sing to you,"
My heart sunk and I was crying.
But I had to continue.
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy, when sky's are gray, oh dear you know how, How much I love you, please don't take, my sunshine away.
I really miss you Ellie bobelly, I miss the way your hair was a mess when you woke in the morning, how you would  alawys forgive me when we fought, and how you looked down at your feet when you walked, and you'd alawys, always, run a hand through your long hair when you we mad or upset. And you'd bite your hand after you lied. And when we fought, I was the one to hold the grudge, I felt like I needed to hold it out longer to prove a point, but what's the point? I love you Ellie and do anything to have you back. Deep deep down, in my cold black heart, I love you."

And with that, I hung up the phone.

I put my head in my hands and cried loudly.

I really loved her.

Damn, I really did.

Now she's gone, because of me.

I grabbed a bottle of  whiskey and chuffed it down.

One bottle turned into two, two turned into three, and three turned into four.

I stumble down stairs and fell on the couch. I pulled out my phone and texted niall.

Me: Niall is Ellie at your house or am I trippen?

Niall instally replied.

Niall: Harry you have to stop doing this to yourself man, Ellie is gone. Please stop asking where she is.

I dropped my phone and I tried to get it. But I ended up falling off the couch, I laughed and staired up at the ceiling.

Then another message came in.

Ellie: I'm still here Harry.

I pretty sure I was tripping balls when I saw her name.  Sense I was shit faced drunk.

Me: okaaaaaaay

I let my phone drop to the floor and my eye lids grew heavier.

Then I heard a loud bang coming from up stairs. I roll my eyes and tried to close em, but it didn't work. Ellie was so innocent, and I took that away from her.

I killed her.

I killed Ellie Maddon.

A/N: Special triple holiday update! Ya! Marry almost Christmas!!! Love you babes and dudes!

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