Chapter Thirty Four

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Louis's POV
I fucking did that. I fucking did that to Ellie. I feel so god damn bad.

I'm so fucking screwed.

What the fuck have I done?

If Harry finds out. He'll kill me or beat me to death.

Oh my god... Harry.

I'm such a god damn fool.

Ellie is to good. And I hurt her.

I raped her.

I have to get her away from Bobby.

He has better things in store for her.

With out knowing, I was at Harry's door.

He was standing there, worried took over him.

"About what?" Harry said. Did I ask him something?

Without thinking, I turned around and ran and fast away as I could.

"Louis!" Harry yelled.

It was long after until I found my

Ellie's POV
I Picked up the phone and dialed Harry's number. It was Louis's phone, it must had fallen out of his pants.

"Harry, it's me, Ellie."
"Oh my god, Ellie, are you okay?"
"I'm sorry, I just wanted to call and tell you goodbye."
"Ellie, what are you talking about?"
"I'm not going to make it out of here alive, I just wanted the tell you one thing."

There was silence on the other end.

"I love you."
He was quiet for a minute.
"I love you so much Ellie, but I will get you out of there."

And with that, I hung up the phone.

I heard yelling coming from the other side of the door and I knew who it was.


He was coming for me.

Only me.

The door swung open and in came Bobby, eyes grew red with anger.

"A little bitchy bitch you know? Going and having sex with Louis. Huh?" He asked hardly. He walked over to me and grabbed both of my wrists and pulled me off the floor, getting in my face.

"Why'd ya do it, huh?" He yelled, the grip on my wrist grew tighter. I knew there would be bruises.

When I didn't answer, he got frustrated and yelled,

"Why'd you do it Ellie!" He yelled.

I didn't respond but started crying.

I looked down  disappointed.

"Oh my god, did he make you?"

The words shocked me coming out of his mouth.

"What?" I asked, slightly confused.

"Did. Louis. Make. You. Have. Sex. With. Him." He stared at me right in the eye. I wanted to so badly tell him what Louis done to me, but he had to, he had a gun to his head. But I know deep- deep down that Louis didn't want to. He's still good.

I know it.

"No." I whispered, hanging my head low.

"No what?" He asked, the grip tightened.

" I wanted him to." As I said the words, my heart broke.

Anger flashed before his eyes and I got thrown to the ground.

Why was he so mad?

He raised his hand up and smacked me, a scream left my mouth.

It was seconds later when he pulled out a knife.

Harry's POV
I ran as fast as I could into the tall, beaten down building. Gun in hand, I kicked the door down, running inside, to see no one there.

I heard a scream, not just any scream, her scream.

I ran as fast as my legs would carry me and I ran to her voice.

My heart came to a stop when I heard her scream one last time.

I ran into the room and saw her there, in her bra and underwear, soaked under a pile of blood.

I gasped.

Her dark blue eyes locked with mine and filled with hope. But then, Bobby pulled out a gun, and aimed it at me. Pulling the trigger.

My eyes grew big as I felt it hit my stomach.

He then pulled the gun to Ellie.


Shit no.

"Ellie!" I screamed as loud as I could, reaching for her shaking body.

He shot.

I yelled no as loud as I could.

Bobby shot Ellie.

He shot her.

Her head fell back and and her eyes closed.

I stared at her small chest rising one last time, and it fell. Never coming up again.

I cried and cried till all I saw was darkness.


I opened my eyes to be met with a very bright Light. I closed my eyes again, and re-opened them, trying to adjust to the light.

I looked around and saw that I was in a hospital room.

And I was alone.

Louis soon walked in.

He sat in the chair across from me, eyes never meeting mine.

He looked... Guilty.

But guilty of what.

"What happened?" I asked, barely able to talk.

"Ellie." He said. Never looking at me.

Then all the memories rushed back into my mind. Ellie.

"Where is she, is she okay, can I see her, is she here?" I ask, gaining a little confidence.

"No mate." Louis said. His eyes finally met with mine, and they were red, he looked tired. Very tired. And his breath smelt like alcohol so bad, I could smell it from here.

"Louis. What's going on, where Ellie?" I ask, more demanding.

"Harry, give it up, Ellie's dead, she's dead." He said harshly. Getting up and running out of the room.

I felt my heart breaking and something snapped inside me.

I don't want to be here

I want to be here with her.

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