Chapter Twenty-Five

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You and me got a whole lot of history
Ellie's POV
"Louis, I can't do this, please get off of me." I said trying to get his fingers off my underwear. He was slowly dragging them off ."Louis! Stop!" I yelled but he didn't budge . His hands traveled further down my legs and his mouth met mine. I tried to pull away from the kiss but I couldn't. His mouth lowered to my belly button, then went lower."Louis!" I cried trying to move. His head shot up and his eyes met mine. I was only in my underwear and bra. It was kinda awkward laying there with him on top of me. His breathing was out of control now. He was only in his boxers. A tear slipped from my eye."I'm so sorry." He whispered. He got up and pulled on his pants and shirt and walked out the room.  I got up and pulled on a shirt and some shorts. My arms aching at the pain Harry had done. But that was in the past. I forgive him now.

Zayn's POV
I was sitting in my room when I heard a door shut. My door slung open and Lou wAs standing there . He was breathing fast. He slammed my door shut and locked it. Uh oh, what did he do now?
"I almost made a bad mistake." He said pacing back and forth from the door to the dresser."Damn." He said running his hands through his hair."What did you do mate?" I say getting worried."I-I almost made Ellie have sex with me." When he said that, my mouth dropped open."What!" I yell clenching my fist together."Why?" I whisper."I don't know, I went to see if she was okay and I went into her room, I don't know, she just looked so, sexy, and I wanted her more and more every second, the next thing I know is we're on the bed and she's trying to pull away from me but I didn't  budge, she was crying, I just got lost in my thoughts, I couldn't stop, but her voice made me snap out of my little thoughts." Said Louis. I clenched my hands and got up and locked the door."Does harry know?" I ask. Then there was a knock on the door. I unlock it and open it to see Harry."Dose Harry know what?" Said Harry raised big his eyebrows.""Uh- nothing were just talking." I say looking at Louis who was standing still."Talking bout what?" He said propping himself up against the doorway."Some chick Louis almost fucked." I say and Louis hit my arm, making Harry notice."Oh, well, have fun Lou." Said Harry and walked away. I shut the door and locked it ."I take it that he doesn't know?" I say."No he doesn't know cause it just happened, if he finds out hell kill me Za." He said now worried."Okay I won't tell. But don't let it happen again." I say and open my door and let him go out. I walk over to my bed and plop my headphones in and listen to Coldplay.
Liam's POV
I get up off the couch and walk out the door. I need to go places. Anywhere from this house. I hop into my car and drive- where am I going to go? Oh, I know a little bar in town called SAMA.

I pull into a parking space and walk to the bouncer."Hey, ID." He said holding out his hand. I pull out my wallet from my back pocket and hand it to him. He nods my way in. I walk in and sit at the bar."What  ya have?" Said the women with a cup in her hand."Give me a Atonic." I say and hand her my card. "Get enough money for five drinks." I say and she looks up confused."Waiting on someone?" She said sliding my card through the card thing."No, I'm just really thirsty." I pop off. She gets me one and I down it in less than a minute. Round two. I drink the second one then another. I go to drink the third one when someone stops me."Don't kill yourself over there." Said a deep voice. I slam the drink down and turn around."Hello Liam." He said."Jacob." I say then turn my head the other way. I nod my head to the girl and she goes another way. This won't end well. He walks over to me and sits down."So, how's the girl?" He said not looking at me. Let's keep it that way."That's none of your God damn business." I snap. I get up and go to leave but he grabs my arm and shoves my body to the counter. He gets in my face on the verge of being of saying something. "I want her."
Ellie's POV
I was dancing around my room with my hair soaked and a towel hanging from my body. I was dancing to that Selena Gomez song Me& The Rhythm. I jumped on the bed and held on to the towel. Jumping up and down,My phone bings and I look at it and it's a blocked number. I read the message and gasped.
I like your moves, maybe you'll dance like that for me someday.;)
I jump off the bed with my phone and storm to Harry's room. He had to be behind this. I sling open Harry's door and he jumps and stands up. I still had my towel around me. I shove my phone in his face."What the hell is this Harry?!" I yell shaking my phone. He looks at it and reads it."Ellie, I didn't send this." He said looking worried."Bullshit." I say and pull my phone to my side." Ellie, I'm being honest with you, I never sent that. ." He said shoving his hands in his pockets."well who did?" I ask confused."I don't know." He said. I sit down on his bed."can I wear some of your clothes?" I ask. I have no clothes and I'm embarrassed for asking. He walks to his closet and pulls out boxers, a shirt, and pants and a belt. "Thanks." I mumbled and stand up."you can change in my bathroom if that's okay?" He asks and I nod my head and walk into his bathroom. I shut the door and let the towel drop to the floor. I pull on the big boxers and then the pants. Weirdly, his pants were a little Baggie on me. I wrap the belt around my waist and tug on the shirt. I open the door and walk out.
"Gotta say your clothes look good on me."I laugh as I say it. He stands up walks over to me. He is inches from my body and his hand lifts and he places a stand of hair around my ear. He smiles softly and kisses my hand and then the door busts open. Standing mg in the door way was Liam and... Oh my fucking God, Fuck, Fuck, shit, hell, it was Jacob.
Sorry for the shitty chapter:/ late update tho. Don't hate me. My love goes to you His-Dimples ❤️

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