Chapter Eleven

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I sat on the sofa in complete darkness. I didn't want to think about anything. Nothing. I still couldn't find my phone. I remember putting it exactly in my bag. I layed back trying my hardest to put 'him' out of my mind. I had to get out of here. I have to leave. Im living next door to a murderer. Wait I take that back...FIVE, HOT, murderers. I knew I should call the police, but everything inside me was screaming no. What if the guys found out I knew. Would they kill ME? Well, so much for "not thinking about it." I layed back and stared at the pale ceiling. What time was it? I reached for my phone on instinct. Oh wait I don't have my stupid phone! Here's a bright idea! I grabbed my house phone and punched in my number. I waited. Over the loud ring in my ear I heard a distant ring. Somewhere in the house. I layed down the house phone and started to search the dark house. It was a game of hot and cold. I could've swore I put it in my bag, or at least walked out of the house with it. The ringing abruptly stopped. Okay? That was only 2 rings. I ran back to the house phone and hit redial. I put my ear up to the phone. "Hey it's Ellie! Leave a message at the beep." It went straight to voicemail! Okay this is starting to get freaky. I heard something bump upstairs. I tiptoed to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. What? Im sorry if I forgot to unpack my flame thrower. I slowly creeped up the stairs. Hesitantly checking each room. All the lights were off and dark storm clouds were blocking the sun out side so the house was dark. In one hand was a pathetic kitchen knife and in the other was my house phone. All of the doors were open except for my bedroom door. It was mostly closed but still cracked open about 2 inches. I hit redial for the last time. I could see a dim blue light flash through the gap in the door. I could hear foot steps then voicemail. The blue light went off. Okay heart was thumping so loud I wouldn't be surprized if the neighbors heard it. I had a pretty good feeling who it was, but he wouldn't go this far would he? Well I don't know anything anymore, I don't know HIM anymore.


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