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(I'm not a hero, I'm a liar, I'm not a saviour, I'm a vampire. Sucking the life out of all the friends I've ever known. We're a trainwreck, not winners on a soap box preaching down to the sinners. A saint without a cause of not listening)

"Please come Jen. We want you to be at the last show of the tour. Us, your friends. PLEASE come to the hometown show." Jack begged down the phone at me. This conversation had already been going on for about a half hour, and him and the other guys had been bombarding me with texts and calls asking me to come see them when they played the hometown show. I had been avoiding answering the question, because I didn't think I could handle seeing Alex and Megan together. It was hard enough seeing pictures in magazines of the 'hot new couple', and I didn't want it to be awkward between everyone if I came.

"Listen Jack, you know I would come under different circumstances. I just...I don't think I'm ready to see him yet, or him and her together. My heart aches when I see pictures of them together, what am I gunne be like if I have to be in the same room as them?" I said and Jack sighed. "Jen, what Alex has with Megan isn't gunna last. They're already fizzling out and frankly I think they're putting it on as a show. He squirms each time she barely touches her, he has ever since they started their thing. I think he still loves you Jen." I sighed and felt my eyes water at Jack's last sentence, responding "If he loved me Jack, he wouldn't have done what he did and said what he said. But I'll come for you and the guys, just...keep me away from her and him okay?" There was silence for a few moments on Jack's side of the line, then I heard some hushed voices before a loud cheer erupted and I couldn't help but laugh. I could tell they really cared for me, afterall they were my second family. "Right," Jack chuckled "meet us around 11am outside UMBC? We can do the starbucks run." Jack said eargerly as I heard Rian cheer in the background, suddenly it all went quiet and all I could hear was a single distant voice. My gut told me it was Alex, and that he had no idea I was coming so I kept quiet until I heard a door close and everyone exhale. "Okay, 11am sharp Jack Attack. Otherwise you get a forfeit." I teased and heard him chuckle nervously on the other end.

"Okayokay, 11am sharp." He agreed. "Matt, be my personal alarm clock?" I heard Matt sigh and assumed that meant be had agreed. "Okay, see you guys in two days!" I shouted before hanging up. Great. Looks like I'm facing him sooner than I'd hoped.


The two days passed quickly, and before I knew it I was driving to meet Jack outside the venue for the hometown show. I'd woken up extra early to make sure I looked okay for meeting them, but I didn't want to look slutty or make it seem I'd tried to hard. I'd also woken up pretty early to psyche myself up for today and seeing Alex again, not that I'd got much sleep anyway. I'd chosen my outfit the night before, and gone for my dark navy skinny jeans that showed off my legs, my purple, black and silver Nike high-tops, an old Jimmy Eat World tshirt and my basic violet american apparel hoodie. After making sure my hair was okay I decided to do my make-up minimal. Concealer, bronzer, eyeliner and mascara as well as my tinted lip balm. I wasn't going to get Alex back, I was going for my friends. That morning, I got into my car and turned up the Enema of the State CD I'd found in the glove compartment a few days before and hummed along to Dumpweed and Don't Leave Me as I drove down the roads to the UMBC, and I could see fans making their way to the venue already. Some girls were dressed in jeans and band shirts, while others looked like they were going for the guys and not the music in their barely-there skirts and low cut tops laughing while singing the one song they knew, I just rolled my eyes and carried on driving until I turned into Hilltop Circle.

As promised, Jack was standing there looking around nervously as if he was waiting for fans to appear out of nowhere and bombard him. To make sure he knew I was here I pressed my hand over my horn and it let out a loud honk, making him jump fifty-feet in the air and let out a girly scream before storming over to my honda, looking pissed off. "Hey, there was no need." He pouted as I laughed. "Morning to you too, now jump in and lets get Starbucks." I smiled and he sighed, jumping in and we drove down the street to the nearest Starbucks, coming back with around $90 worth of coffee and snacks for all the bands and crew on the tour while singing along to What's My Age Again, like the old days.

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