Bad Enough For You

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(you love to hate me when I'm chasing you. And I hate to say this but I'm stuck on loving you.)

**Two weeks later**

I groaned as the alarm went off, stretching out to turn it off as Jimmy Eat World's The Middle played. After turning it off, I felt Alex pull me back into bed by my waist, kissing my neck as I giggled, making him bring the kisses up to my lips as he climbed on top of me. I placed my hands on his hips, biting his lip before moving my tongue over his lips as he began to groan and I smiled. I felt Alex's hand slide down my thigh and slip into my underwear, and I groaned.

Ofcourse, after a few minutes there was banging on the walls from Matt, who was shouting "Cut it out! I don't wanna hear you guys having sex!" Alex fell back on the bed after taking his hand out of my knickers and wiping it on the sheets as we panted heavily. I turned to face him smiling, turning over and draping my arms over his chest and looking into his eyes, biting my lip. "Seems like we'll have to wait a little longer..." I teased moving my fingers over his chest in different patterns as he laughed, taking my hands in his and playing with my fingers. "I guess we do."


A few hours later, I was up and making lunch for the guys while they got ready for the secret show in L.A. by planning what songs to play and organising how they were going to get there and all the formalities. I'd settled on making them all bacon sandwiches, then if we have to move quickly they can grab them, so as I grilled the bacon, Matt was on the phone to the venue, Zack, Alex and Jack were stumming their instruments and Rian was buttering the bread. After all the madness, each person grab a sandwich and wolfed it down as I chuckled, nibbling on mine, and by the time they'd finished theirs, I was still halfway through my first slice.

They hurried me along, and then we were on our way to what was meant to be a 'secret show'. When we got there, a huge crowd of fans began to scream and run towards the car. This was something I never got, I mean, if a show was meant to be secret, how come there were so many people here? I was overwhelmed by the popularity the guys had these days, they'd really came far since those shows where they were opening for maybe fifty people, or the shows in Rian's basement infront of just Matt and I. Now there were thousands upon thousands of fans, begging to meet them and thank them for all the help they'd unknowingly gave many individuals. I just hoped there was enough room in their world for me to stick around fit in.

We managed to get in the venue without too many hiccups, I mean Jack almost snapped his guitar strings when he was getting his guitar out, but that's Jack. I helped take the gear in for the show while the guys went to the gates to sign and take pictures for fans, and I couldn't help but smile as I saw that this brought happiness to everyone. I laughed as Alex was given a stuffed toy by one of the fans, as Jack got a few bras handed to him. Matt made me jump when he came up behind me and whispered "It happens everyday. They really care about the fans, as do the fans about them." This made me scream quietly and Matt had to steady me so I didn't fall off the step I was standing on, and he began laughing as I turned around and glared at him. "Not cool Matt, not cool." I pouted.

After around 20 minutes, the crowd had calmed down slightly and I watched as Alex was talking to a girl of around sixteen and they were deep in conversation. I loved how Alex was listening so intently to every word she said, nodding and replying to what she was saying. Suddenly, both the girl and Alex were looking at me and Alex gestured for me to join them, taking me by surprise.

I began walking towards them slowly as Alex and the girl watched me smiling. As I reached Alex, he took my hand, squeezing it and looking down at me as he did this smiling. "So this is the girl your songs are about." Alex grinned, still looking down at me. "Yeah, this is her." The girl smiled, "I'm Anna." She smiled, stretching her hand out to shake my hand. I looked at her confused, but took it using my free hand, "Jen." I said, beginning to smile as after she let go of my hand. Alex pulled me into his, and I instinctively wrapped my arm around his waist, making Anna laugh. "So you finally came back huh? And he stopped being an asshole long enough to notice." She teased and Alex pulled his tongue out at her, making me laugh and I began to notice we'd caught the attention of nearly all the crowd. "Yeh, I came back. Couldn't live without this guy, I've always been drawn to him. Guess I just resisted it for a while." I laughed and Alex kissed my head. "She couldn't live without me, just like I can't live without her." He whispered happily so only Anna and I could hear.

Matt and Colussy came over and took the other guys away, leaving Alex and I to finish our conversation with Anna and I'd found out she'd gone through a lot and that All Time Low had helped her through everything she'd gone through. When it was time for us to go inside, all the fans around us moaned and groaned, making remarks and I just rolled my eyes, ignoring the comments made about me and Alex, but I could feel the anger brew inside him as his grip of my hand got tighter. I squeezed his hand back, reassuring him that I was okay with the remarks, slowing him to a stop and have him turn to face me. "Hey," I whispered "I'm okay, the insults don't affect me. I have you don't I." I said smiling as he leant down and kissed me softly before saying "I love you Jeniffer." I bit my lip, laughing as the fans 'ooh'ed and 'aah'ed at us, ignoring the negative 'whore' and 'bitch'. "I love you too Alexander."

Alex rolled his eyes as Matt shouted us in, and we followed closing the door behind us and Alex rushed off for soundcheck. I stayed back, watching them from a distance as they carried on like normal whether Jeff and Evan were checking the lights and sound, Danny and Ian were prepping the guitars or Matt and Colussy were running round like crazy trying to make sure Jack and Alex didn't wander off. I laughed as Matt ran around frantically trying to keep them backstage as I wandered around, taking in the size of the venue for this show. The venue looked like it could house around 600 people, so it was pretty small on the scale for L.A. as the guys had sold out at a venue that had a 2,000+ capacity.

I jumped onto the small stage, taking in the view of the empty room and just stood there smiling until I heard Matt call me back and I saw fans began to come through the doors. I ran off the stage towards Matt, tripping over a loose cable before falling into Matt's arms. "Heyy! Look where you're running next time." He teased, steadying me and then straightening my clothes and hair before letting out a heavy breath. "Thanks." I mumbled before following the signs to the dressing room and walking in on Jack dancing around in his underwear. "Jack, please put some clothes." I laughed as Jack froze before running off to get clothes while I sat on the leather sofa, turning my iPod on and listening to The Maine while I waited for Alex to come out ready, and after three songs he came out and sat next to me on the sofa, putting his arm around me as I gave him a headphone. "I know you've probably heard this, seen as you're friends with the guys but this song makes me think of you." I said as he put it in his ear and began to sing along.

"Don't listen to the world, they say we're never gonna make it.

Don't listen to your friends, they would've never let us start.

And don't listen to the voices in your head, listen to your heart."

I smiled and leant up to kiss him, but Rian and Zack came in coughing and mentioning that they had 5 minutes until they needed to go onstage. Alex moaned, tilting his head back and standing up, stretching before offering me a hand to stand up and I took it. He then pulled me into him dramatically dropping me down slightly and kissing me as I giggled.

We walked up the small stairs to the backstage area and we hid behind the curtain. Danny gave Alex his guitar and he came over to me, kissing me before bending over to whisper in my ear "I'm playing these for you tonight." I gasped at the feel of his breath on my neck, and for the fact that, although I'd heard these songs many times before, the realisation finally hit me that each time Alex played them, it was in hope of finding me again and being able to actually play them for me like he did five years ago. Tonight was the first time he could actually say it, because I was here in L.A. as his girlfriend for all the world (well, All Time Low fans) to see, and I could be more proud.

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