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I loved you-

With so much of the beating muscle under my breast bone chest plate

That I could not love myself.

I shook with malnutrition and blood loss, yet I smiled with adoration.

You kissed my glossed lips,

Flavored like candy.

And I was forever grateful that you were unable to taste the vomit that lay beneath. Behind teeth, that I brushed in school bathrooms.

You left me,

My secret issues were slowing showing themselves to you.

I hated myself even more.

I was not good enough,

Despite being the most devout devotee to the religion of you.

I cried and prayed, all in the name of you.

I cut deeper

Burned longer

Cried harder, salt water and blood.

While everything wrong with me

Ate away at me

I ate everything else

And then puked it back up,

With thoughts of you urging it on.

I seeked your approval

For you to validate me

But all you ever did

Was take me and break me.

And you have returned yet again,

With letters of brevity

That always leave me guessing

With hints of sour staining my breath.

I know that I should sever

All of the contact.

You are a limb infected with gangrene.

But I like the haunting weight of you upon me.

and the stench doesn't bother me.

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