The ringing of her phone refused to let her sleep any longer. Irritated, she shot her arm out with her face still in the pillow and patted the surface of her bedside table till she got a hold of her phone.
"Victoria speaking," she lazily spoke into the phone once pressed against her ear.
"About time you pick up," she recognized Donghae's voice immediately and felt her eyes shoot open. "What time is it and you're still in? I bet you haven't even got up yet."
"I don't think you should be making accusations about me," Victoria turned onto her back in her bed. "You should be worried about yourself coming in late for work."
"Well I'm already at headquarters; I guess I can expect you in," Donghae paused, "half an hour. I assume you've already had breakfast? I have a feeling we'll be very busy today. Oh and someone dropped your car off for you. You should be able to find it in the parking lot."
Victoria held back a groan. He was picking a fight with her, "Twenty minutes."
Then she hung up and rushed from her bed into the bathroom, combed her hair brushed her teeth, quickly dressed, and headed out. Donghae was challenging her, she knew it. Well, Victoria certainly wouldn't let him expect less from her.
She rushed for her coffee at the café and quickly darted back out to her car. She even burnt her tongue while drinking it and swore loudly. Victoria admitted that Donghae was messing with her well, but she wouldn't tolerate it. Someday, she was determined to get back at him someday.
When Victoria turned into the parking lot she saw that no car was there. Slightly confused, she turned to glance around while closing the car door. The lot was empty. Nothing, but concrete, paint marks, and wild green trees surrounded her. Narrowing her eyes she wondered if she'd been tricked. Victoria swiveled around at the sound of tires grinding against the concrete and saw Donghae's car. She freely sneered at him.
"Oh, wow, you beat us," Donghae greeted with a smile cheerily when he got out.
"The last one, as promised, owes lunch," Victoria softened her sneer into a smile before turning around to walk away.
"What lunch!?" Donghae shouted after her.
Victoria heaved a puff when she stepped in through the doors and finally groaned annoyed. She'd burnt her tongue and had risen early from bed for completely no reason, no reason at all! The opening door behind her made her turn and Donghae walked in pausing as if surprised that she hadn't yet gone up.
"Looks like there's a briefing this morning," Donghae told, "since, due to someone, we weren't able to gather any evidence yesterday."
"My uselessness or yours?" Victoria questioned.
Donghae chewed on his lower lip before she turned to walk toward the elevator.
"Sorry I'm late," Lay apologized when he jogged into the meeting room that morning. "Suho."
"I got them ready." Suho replied with a nod.
Lay nodded before he held up a piece of paper and scratched his ear. "Park Eun Bin, 12 years old, went missing two weeks ago on the eleventh. She's four feet 10 inches tall and lived with her grandmother in Seoul before her abduction."
"What about Dan Bi?" questioned Donghae.
"Right here," Lay searched through the samples he'd come in with and spread them out for everyone to see. "We can compare her handwriting to the note Namjoo obtained. I think it serves as good evidence."

FanfictionWith plans to add skill force to his team, Donghae offers criminal offender, Tao, a chance to redeem himself by working with him. Tao joins the Military Intelligence unit led by Donghae and his two assistants, Suho and Namjoo, who are currently trac...