the start of the war between the superevolve childrens

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(sorry for not updating cause its been my exams)


No pov's
When tenma's team up to their rivals so that they can defeat the super evolve children
And when their building destroyed yup kirino did not turn back yet into her normal age.......

Tenma:who are u?why u destroyed our building?!?!

???:because we are the superevolve children


They tell harsh word to them even soccer included

Tenma:ur wrong soccer cant be used in war!!!

Then simeon(eng.ver i forgot what his controlling the mind of fei and little kirino senses it and what really shocking is that kirino is a soccer queen she gives powers to players make a new techniques or but this power was given to this children was an outbreak false power that kirino posses it one time and she feels soccer mean like she was soccer

Little kirino:*gasps air to breathe**feels pain*

Then little kirino cant hold it anymore so...........
She used her power and turned back to her normal age
Everyone was shocked and suprised even the evolve childrens

Kirino:How dare u to put soccer for war just to make the earth yours and speak that all of u are the powerfull!!!

Simeon:how dare u too speak that to us cant u see we are the most powerful

Kirino:*teased**summons a black hole*

Everyone shocked all of them

Kirino:u were powerfull because i gave my power to u all i been chosen to be but just how u do was to use in war therefore I will use this black hole to all of u and i will give back all the powers i gave to u all

simeon:*kicks the ball in a massive shot*No u cant give it back we are the most powerfull

Kirino:*ball towards her*~~*ball pops even no touch*

All shocked

Kirino:(chatting in minds between kirino fei and simeon)
do not listen to him fei*deletes memories of simeon to fei cuz i seen it*(a/n:pffft dont mind me i want that way cuz fei made me cry when i watch this)

Simeon's group retreated and fix the building into a stadium

Kirino:*groans**summons thunder on her top only of anger*

Everyone cant speak what happened tenma froze

Kirino fell on her knees and coughs blood everyone runs at her

Shindou:kirino r u ok?!?!?!

Kirino:*pukes blood*it's all my fault all of it

Shindou:what r u talking about?

Tenma:is not ur fault right

Kirino:ur wrong it was really my fault i should been so carefull to myself  cause-------qued-----------

(next is that kirino will explains who she is so pls. Vote and comment and i will appreciate it ofc hope u enjoy luv ya all^o^)

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