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Kirino's pov
After for a long journey I'm glad that peace is back but.....
I can't stay here and be as I am to them because I only......well it's just hard to say.......
And......I know someone will get hurt or I'll be hurt but I really have to................

Because I have to erase myself from their memories&identity and change it so that it's  better to them to be safe cause if I am with them they will get trouble and I don't want them in trouble like when the day I been kidnapped to have a experiment*tears fell*and there was a day ago when I seen the future that they are in deep suffer

So I have to,they been a good friends of me and I don't want make them suffer
But before that I should say thanks and farewell to shin...

Kirino:*at shindou's house*
I think I'll just gave him a letter and erase his memory of me

Shindou's pov
I'm glad that we won but I start wondering  how's kirino doing it's just that she looks like hiding something
That I don't know

Anyways its time to water the plants I get up from the sofa and walks toward the garden

Maid:Shindou sama!!!

Shindou:yes,what is it?

Maid:a letter for you sir*gives the letter*

Shindou:oh!tnx*gets the letter*anyways did you water the plants?

Maid:yes sir

Shindou:ok,I'm going back to my room now*starts walking*ah!I should get some snacks too I'm starting to get hungry

Then I went to the kitchen to grab some snacks and back to my room

In my room

I lay on my bed and open the letter and it said

Dear shin,
Farewell,please be still safe and sound and do your best at your piano have courage and be kind and no matter what happens be strong
Thank you so very very much for your help
And lastly for my best best friend I love you
        ~ FAREWELL~


"Oh there was something inside",I took it and it was a bracelet with a cute note and a piano with a S in it

Then Shindou wears the bracelet next moment he look at the k word and about to say it was kirino his memory fades away

Kirino's sneak peak
Farewell shin......

(sorry guys for short my mind coiled up cause many exams and projects but finally SEMBREAK a long weeks break I'm so crazy happy)

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